Salmon and Sea Trout fishery statistics: 2023 Season - Net fishery from 1952 to 2023 (Retained) and 2021 to 2023 (Released)
- Salmon and sea trout fishery statistics: 1952 to 2023 season - reported catch by district and method
154 Datasets
10 Groups
User since 07/26/2016
The catch form return time series runs from 1997 to the most recently published season. The annual return of forms across all Scotland is provided as the number of forms issued, together with the numbers of forms returned reporting catch or...
Reported rod catches of salmon, from the 2011 to 2023 seasons, and sea trout, from the 2017 to 2023 seasons, are provided by Stock Assessment Area and month. Statistical Salmon Fishery District and regional catch data are available within the...
The reported sea trials are part of the FISP funded CodSELect project. Apart from the current trials, the project involves a number of controlled laboratory tank trials conducted in the Marine Directorate’s facilities in the Marine Laboratory in...