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Salmon and Sea Trout fishery statistics: 2023 Season - Net fishery from 1952 to 2023 (Retained) and 2021 to 2023 (Released)

The column headers are:

Description: Salmon Fishery District identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 97
Note: Single Salmon Fishery District or geographically-coherent group of Salmon Fishery Districts. Salmon Fishery Districts are described in “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}. No net catch or effort has been reported from Districts Aline, Balgay, Clayburn, Drummachloy, Gour, Grudie, Howmore, Irvine, Kinloch, Kishorn, Resort and Shetland.

District ID
Description: Numerical Salmon Fishery District identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 97
Note: orders Salmon Fishery Disticts alphabetically. No net catch or effort has been reported from District IDs 2 (Aline), 12 (Balgay), 21 (Clayburn), 33 (Drummachloy), 48 (Gour), 50 (Grudie), 55 (Howmore), 60 (Irvine), 63 (Kinloch), 65 (Kishorn), 87 (Resort) and 108 (Shetland).

Report order
Description: spatial ordering of Reporting Areas
Type: categorical
Levels: 97
Note: orders Salmon Fishery Districts spatially, counter-clockwise from Tweed. No net catch or effort has been reported from the Districts with Report Order 32 (Kinloch), 34 (Grudie), 50 (Balgay), 52 (Kishorn), 64 (Aline), 66 (Gour), 84 (Drummachloy), 87 (Irvine), 101 (Shetland), 105 (Resort), 107 (Clayburn) and 109 (Howmore).

Description: Salmon Fishery Region
Type: categorical
Levels: Clyde Coast, East, Moray Firth, North, North East, North West, Orkney, Outer Hebrides, Solway, West Coast
Note: See “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}

Description: fishing method
Type: categorical
Levels: Fixed Engine: Retained, Fixed Engine: Released, Net and Coble: Retained, Net and Coble: Released
Note: In 2021, released net caught fish were required to be reported for the first time

Description: year of season fish were reported caught
Type: discrete
Range: 1952 to 2023
Note: In 2021, released net caught fish were required to be reported for the first time

Description: month fish were reported caught
Type: discrete
Range: February to November

Month number
Description: number of month that fish were reported caught
Type: discrete
Range: 2 to 11

Wild MSW number
Description: number of wild multi sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 18942

Wild MSW weight (kg)
Description: weight of wild multi sea-winter salmon reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 102188.0

Wild 1SW number
Description: number of wild one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 34633

Wild 1SW weight (kg)
Description: weight of wild one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 103010.8

Sea trout number
Description: number of sea trout reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 26126
Note: Categories used to report sea trout data have varied throughout the time series and are detailed in “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}

Sea trout weight (kg)
Description: weight of sea trout reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 46142.6
Note: Categories used to report sea trout data have varied throughout the time series and are detailed in “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}

Finnock number
Description: number of finnock reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 5
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) have been reported since 2004 and are not included in the sea trout figures

Finnock weight (kg)
Description: weight of finnock reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 5.7
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) have been reported since 2004 and are not included in the sea trout figures

Farmed MSW number
Description: number of farmed-origin multi sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 129
Note: Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994.

Farmed MSW weight (kg)
Description: weight of farmed-origin multi sea-winter salmon reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 621.8
Note: Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994.

Farmed 1SW number
Description: number of farmed-origin one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 209
Note:Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994.

Farmed 1SW weight (kg)
Description: weight of farmed-origin one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 639.6
Note: Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994.

Netting effort
Description: summarised as median number of crews/traps
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 2215.0
Note: To prevent duplication Netting effort is only recorded in Fixed Engine: Retained and Net and Coble: Retained. Fixed engine effort is summarised as median number of traps operated. Net and coble effort is summarised as median number of crews operated.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.