The column headers are:
Stock Assessment Area
Description: Stock Assessment Area identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 206
Note: Stock Assessment Areas are individual rivers, except for those areas where fishery catch cannot be assigned to individual rivers. In such cases, rivers are combined to form geographically-coherent groups of rivers. The assessment area "North Harris SAC" includes parts of two Salmon Fishery Districts (Fincastle and Resort).
Description: describes if Stock Assessment Area is assessed for the Conservation of Salmon Regulations
Type: categorical
Levels: yes, no
Description: Salmon Fishery District identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 104
Note: See “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}. The assessment area "North Harris SAC" spans two Salmon Fishery Districts (Fincastle and Resort). There are no Stock Assessment Areas in the Gour, Kishorn, Orkney and Sanda Districts.
Description: Scottish Fishery Region
Type: categorical
Levels: Clyde Coast, East, Moray Firth, North, North East, North West, Outer Hebrides, Shetland, Solway, West Coast
Note: See “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}. There are no Stock Assessment Areas in the Orkney region.