The column headers are:
Description: Salmon Fishery District identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 107
Note: Single Salmon Fishery District or geographically-coherent group of Salmon Fishery Districts. Salmon Fishery Districts are described in “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}. No rod catch has been reported from the Gour and Orkney Districts.
District ID
Description: Numerical Salmon Fishery District identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 107
Note: orders Salmon Fishery Disticts alphabetically. No rod catch has been reported from District IDs 48 (Gour) and 109 (Orkney).
Report order
Description: spatial ordering of Reporting Areas
Type: categorical
Levels: 107
Note: orders Salmon Fishery Districts spatially, counter-clockwise from Tweed. No rod catch has been reported from the Districts with Report Order 66 (Gour) and 109 (Orkney).
Description: Salmon Fishery Region
Type: categorical
Levels: Clyde Coast, East, Moray Firth, North, North East, North West, Outer Hebrides, Shetland, Solway, West Coast
Note: See “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}
Description: fishing method
Type: categorical
Levels: Rod: Retained, Rod: Released
Note: Released rod caught fish have been reported since 1994
Description: year of season fish were reported caught
Type: discrete
Range: 1952 to 2023
Description: month fish were reported to have been caught
Type: discrete
Range: January to November
Month number
Description: number of month that fish were reported caught
Type: discrete
Range: 1 to 11
Wild MSW number
Description: number of wild multi sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 4688
Wild MSW weight (kg)
Description: weight of wild multi sea- winter salmon reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 22866.5
Wild 1SW number
Description: number of wild one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 2640
Wild 1SW weight (kg)
Description: weight of wild one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 5843.2
Sea trout number
Description: number of adult sea trout reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 3005
Note: Categories used to report sea trout data have varied throughout the time series and are detailed in “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}
Sea trout weight (kg)
Description: weight of adult sea trout reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 3413.3
Note: Categories used to report sea trout data have varied throughout the time series and are detailed in “Collecting the Marine Scotland Salmon and Sea Trout Fishery Statistics” {}
Finnock number
Description: number of finnock reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 989
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) have been reported since 2004 and are not included in the sea trout figures
Finnock weight (kg)
Description: weight of finnock reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 448.6
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) have been reported since 2004 and are not included in the sea trout figures
Farmed MSW number
Description: number of farmed-origin multi sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 162
Note: Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994
Farmed MSW weight (kg)
Description: weight of farmed-origin multi sea-winter salmon reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 607.5
Note: Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994
Farmed 1SW number
Description: number of farmed-origin one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 202
Note: Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994
Farmed 1SW weight (kg)
Description: weight of farmed-origin one sea-winter salmon reported caught
Unit: kg
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 641.4
Note: Farmed-origin fish have been reported since 1994