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Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Reports

Formal report series, containing results of research and monitoring carried out by Marine Scotland Science


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Scottish Scallop Stocks: Results of 2016 Stock Assessments

Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 8 No 21

This report presents the results of Scottish regional scallop stock assessments carried out by Marine Scotland Science (MSS) based on commercial catch-at-age data up to 2015 and survey data up to and including 2016. Full analytical assessments are presented for the East Coast, North East, North West, Shetland and West of Kintyre scallop stocks, with catch data presented for the Clyde, Irish Sea and Orkney. The report also provides background information on Scottish fisheries for scallops, a description of the current management and regulatory framework. Associated data are presented for download.

Dobby, H., Fryer, R., Gibson, T., Kinnear, S., Turriff, J. and McLay, A. (2017) Scottish Scallop Stocks: Results of 2016 Stock Assessments. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 8 No 21, 178pp. DOI: 10.7489/2005-1

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Temporal Coverage
2016-01-01 to 2016-12-31
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

• In areas for which sufficient data were available, an age-structured Time Series Analysis (TSA) analytical assessment method was used. TSA makes use of commercial catch-at-age and survey indices by age and can cope with the omission of poor quality or missing data. The estimates of abundance and fishing mortality are calculated with confidence intervals. The estimates from TSA are smoothed through time reflecting the fact that fisheries and stocks are likely to show gradual year to year changes. As a result, the estimates are slow to respond, for example, when the data do suggest that there has been a sudden change in the fishery. This can potentially result in under or over estimation of recent fishing mortality.

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Marine Scotland Science
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