The zip file contains:
SDM Metadata Swiftia - Excel workbook describing details of the model
swiftia_records_fitting - csv file with the input occurrence records of Swifita pallida and extracted environmental variables at those locations used for model fitting.
The data includes source and attribution statement for individual points.
Intensity_biascorrected50_U20220121 - grd/gri raster stack. "Intensity" and "se" which are the predicted intensity and standard error of Swiftia observations. Intensity is the expected density of Swiftia pallida records per km square given the variables. This does not include the influence of any interpoint interactions. Intentiy given a point pattern would increase the expected densities within 35 km of the points. The sampling bias layer used in the prediction was set at a constant value across the study region - the value used was the median from the original layer. As a result prediction is the predicted intensity with sampling bias accounted for.
200m by 200m resolution.
coordinate reference system is: WGS84
coreareas_biascorrected50 grd/gri raster stack - one layer "TopPercentile". The cells that were predicted to have the top 1%, 5%, 10% and 20% intensities from the predictions with sampling bias held constant at the median. Cells only have one value, so the full 5% area are the cells with values 1 and 5, full 10% area are the cells with values 1, 5 and 10, and so on.
core_patches - Shapefile. The results of analyses on patches of suitable habitat, defined as areas within the top 5 percentile of predicted intensities from the prediction with the sampling bias held constant at the median. Geometry is available in well known text format for plotting in GIS in Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection, for Europe EPSG 3035.
core_patches - column definitions - csv describing the contents of core_patches
12 files in this archive
- Contents.txt
- core_patches - column definitions.csv
- core_patches.dbf
- core_patches.prj
- core_patches.shp
- core_patches.shx
- coreareas_biascorrected50.grd
- coreareas_biascorrected50.gri
- Intensity_biascorrected50_U20220121.grd
- Intensity_biascorrected50_U20220121.gri
- SDM Metadata Swiftia.xlsx
- swiftia_records_fitting.csv