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Marine Scotland Science (MSS) undertakes a wide range of monitoring covering many aspects of the Scottish marine ecosystem.

Monitoring is undertaken in Scottish Inshore Waters, using networks of volunteers and automatic recording equipment, as well as in Scottish Offshore Waters, using the MSS research vessels MRV Alba na Mara and MRV Scotia.

Marine Scotland Science also participates national monitoring programmes, such as:

  • UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS)
  • UK Marine Environmental Change Network (MECN)
  • UK Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN)

This group provides published data from monitoring these activities. For many activities, there are national or international standards for how the monitoring is undertaken.

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UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

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Using regional scale predictive habitat models to assess protection and identify potential locations for additional management or monitoring for a species of conservation interest - associated data

Presence records of Swifita pallida were downloaded from the following online databases: Marine Recorder (Feb 2019 snashot), GeMS v7i22, OBIS (21st May 2019) and NBN Atlas (13th May 2019). Additional known records that were not in these databases were provided by external individuals and extracted from Marine Scotland survey data. The data were processed to remove duplicates and records on land. Prior to model fitting, the point locations of records from the same named source and observed in the same year within the same 200 m grid cells were averaged.

Sources of environmental data:
Emodnet Bathymetry Portal - ( Grids D3 and D4 downloaded on 10th Jan 2019.
Particle size analysis results were downloaded from BGS data portal in January 2019
Irish PSA results and habitat polygons were downloaded from on 19th June 2019.
Polygons of rock at the seabed - Brown, L.S., Green, S.L., Stewart, H.A., Diesing, M., Downie, A.-L., Cooper, R. & Lillis, H., (2017), Semi-automated mapping of rock in the Irish Sea, Minches, western Scotland and Scottish continental shelf, JNCC Report No. 609, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 0963-8091 (
Marine Recorder - Feb 2019 version download on 29th April 2019 (
WestCOMs Model (Aleynik et al., 2016) products were provided to authors in June 2021 and are available for download from

Langton, R, Stirling, D. and Boulcott, P. 2023. Using regional scale predictive habitat models to assess protection and identify potential locations for additional management or monitoring for a species of conservation interest - associated data. Doi: 10.7489/12425-1

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-7.470703125 59.095261968626, -4.482421875 58.800583498649, -5.185546875 57.407611843834, -3.779296875 54.912540547022, -4.482421875 54.096046890326, -5.537109375 54.044473318279, -7.3388671875 55.588823220005, -8.349609375 58.480414388766))
Temporal Coverage
2022-01-01 to 2023-09-30
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

A sampling bias layer was created from locations of benthic samples contained within Marine Recorder.

A hybrid Gibbs model was fitted using Spatstat version 2.2 in R version 4.1.1. Spatial interaction parameters were then found and included in a hybrid Geyer saturation process with radii 2.6 and 35 km and respective saturation of 6 and 0.83.

Predictions were made with sampling bias corrected by holding is constant at the median value across the whole region.
Areas that were in the highest 1 and 5 percentiles of predicted intensities were extracted for further analysis.

Contact Name
Marine Directorate, Scottish Government
Contact Email
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