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Marine Scotland manages quota for fish stocks and all inshore fisheries within the 12 nautical mile territorial water limit. It is also responsible for controlling the activities of fishing vessels and fishing effort (days spent at sea) in the North Sea, west of Scotland and Faroese waters.
In this section, citable data and reports relevant to fishing activities will be added.

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Deepwater Elasmobranch Species Data From MSS Trawling Surveys 1996 - 2019

This dataset contains all MSS trawl survey records from 38 species of elasmobranchs collected from stations on various MSS deepwater and monkfish (anglerfish) trawl surveys undertaken between 1996 and 2019 and covering a depth range spanning 300 - 2100m. The areas covered include the Hebridean shelf slope, adjacent offshore banks and seamounts as well as the Faroe- Shetland Channel and Wyville Thomson Ridge.

This data set was used in the publication 'Sharks, skates and rays of Scotland' a report commissioned by SNH and which the originator of this metadata record is also a co - author.

Marine Scotland, Finlay Burns. 2020. Deepwater Elasmobranch Species Data From MSS Trawling Surveys 1996 - 2019. DOI: 10.7489/12326-1

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-5.9765625 61.963489045862, -1.23046875 61.963489045862, -4.04296875 59.95913548025, -7.3828125 58.61262536142, -8.61328125 57.825742934552, -9.052734375 54.906619584491, -18.193359375 56.491310887803, -17.40234375 58.520954748999, -10.8984375 59.649703932747, -6.064453125 60.870323735132))
Temporal Coverage
1996-09-30 to 2019-10-09
English (United Kingdom)
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

This dataset comprises information on numbers caught per length class per species with the majority of the records also being sex disaggregated. All the surveys referenced within this dataset took place on the FRV Scotia 2 (1996 - 1997) or MRV Scotia 3 (1998 - 2019). The surveys making up the dataset are the MSS Deepwater Slope Survey (Deepwater Time Series), this contains data from surveys undertaken between 1998 - 2019 with trawl sample data collected predominantly within the Hebridean Slope region although also from offshore seamounts and banks as well as the Faroe -Shetland Channel and Wyville Thomson Ridge. It is undertaken in September. In addition to these are several other standalone, exploratory and project specific deepwater surveys where data have also been extracted from. These surveys traditionally had more of a focus on the offshore seamounts and banks (OFFCON Rockall, Exploratory Seamount) and in terms of their calendar period were not necessarily restricted to the 3rd quarter as is the case with the timeseries surveys. All of these surveys utilised the BT184 MSS deepwater trawl. The deployment and catch processing/sampling methodology employed on all these surveys is consistent and documented in the MSS Deepwater Trawl Survey Manual. This can be accessed by accessing the link to the following Marine Scotland Science Report 03/10: Deepwater Trawl Survey Manual
This dataset also contains data from the MSS Monkfish (anglerfish) surveys (SIAMISS) undertaken on Scotia. These surveys span the period between 2008 - 2016 and are predominantly (although not exclusively) from the Rockall Bank/Slope and during the month of April and has a maximum depth range of around 1000m. The trawl used on this survey is the Jackson Monkfish trawl (BT195) and although slightly larger in terms of its opening (as compared to the BT184) overall it is very similar to the MSS deepwater trawl variant currently used with 16 inch rockhoppers and cutaway lower wings.

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Marine Scotland
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