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Summary measures of status and trends for contaminants and biological effects in biota to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2020

The file biota_regional_data.csv contains summary measures of status and trends for contaminants and biological effects in biota. The summary measures are used to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2020. They are also used to make regional assessments of status and trends in Scottish waters for selected contaminant and biological effect groups. The summary measures are obtained from timeseries models fitted to the contaminant and biological effect data in biota_data.csv which in turn are based on data extracted from the MERMAN database on 30 March 2022. Details of the modelling procedures can be found in the method help files for contaminants, PAH metabolites, imposex and other biological effects.

The file biota_regional_data.csv is UTF-8-BOM encoded so can be read directly into Excel, or into R using the function read.csv with the argument fileEncoding = “UTF-8-BOM”.

The data mostly relate to chemical concentrations and the variable descriptions are written with that in mind. Any differences are usually related to imposex time series and these are detailed in the notes accompanying each variable.

The variables in the file are:

Description: timeseries identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 1057
Note: links to the timeseries data in biota_data.csv

Description: biogeographic region where the monitoring station is located
Type: categorical
Levels: Northern North Sea, Irish Sea, Minches & Western Scotland, Scottish Continental Shelf
Note: these regions are the Scottish component of the biogeographic regions used for Charting Progress 2 and for UK MS reporting purposes. There are 5 regions in Scottish waters, but there are no stations in the Atlantic North-West Approaches because it is difficult to sample. The Northern North Sea, Minches and Western Scotland and Irish Sea (Clyde & Solway) are used in the Clean Seas Indicator. The Scottish Continental Shelf is not used in the Indicator because it is difficult to get sufficient spatial coverage for regional assessments for both biota and sediment.

Description: monitoring station
Type: categorical
Levels: 76

Description: station latitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: 54.75, 60.78
Note: this is a nominal position: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area broadly centred on this position

Description: station longitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: -6.38, -0.62
Note: this is a nominal position: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area broadly centred on this position

Description: type of monitoring station
Type: categorical
Levels: RH, IH
Note: reference (RH) or impacted (IH)

Description: last year of the timeseries
Unit: y
Type: discrete
Range: 2014, 2019
Note: only timeseries with some data in the last six monitoring years are included in the assessment (i.e. 2014-2019 for the 2020 assessment)

Description: species
Type: categorical
Levels: 5

  • Limanda limanda: AphiaID = 127139
  • Mytilus edulis: AphiaID = 140480
  • Nucella lapillus: AphiaID = 140403
  • Platichthys flesus: AphiaID = 127141
  • Pleuronectes platessa: AphiaID = 127143

Description: sex
Type: categorical
Levels: F, M
Note: only provided for EROD where separate time series are assessed for females (F) and males (M)

Description: sample matrix (tissue)
Type: categorical
Levels: BI, LI, LIS9, MU, SB
Note: see ICES reference codes for MATRX

Description: contaminant or biological effect group
Type: categorical
Levels: Metals, PAH parent compounds, PAH metabolites, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, Polychlorinated biphenyls, Imposex, Biological effects (other)

Description: contaminant or biological effect
Type: categorical
Levels: 46
Note: see ICES reference codes for PARAM

Description: method of chemical analysis
Type: categorical
Levels: FLM-SS

Description: basis of the assessment
Type: discrete
Levels: dry weight (D), lipid weight (L) or wet weight (W)

Description: unit of measurement
Type: discrete
Levels: pmol/min/mg protein, st, ug/kg, ug/ml

Description: the fitted mean concentration (or equivalent for biological effects) in last_year
Unit: see unit column
Type: continuous
Range: 0, 287602

Description: the name of the Background Assessment Concentration (BAC) or equivalent
Type: categorical
Levels: BAC

Description: the value of the BAC (or equivalent)
Unit: see unit column
Type: continuous
Range: 0.065, 63000
Note: more details can be found in the help files on assessment criteria for contaminants in biota and biological effects

Description: the log ratio of mean_last_year to the BAC
Unit: dimensionless
Type: continuous
Range: -2.8, 6.65

  • contaminants, PAH metabolites and EROD: status_BAC = log(mean_last_year / BAC_value), with a value above / below 0 indicating that the fitted mean concentration in the last monitoring year is above / below the BAC; the standard error is given by status_se
  • imposex: status_BAC = sqrt(mean_last_year / BAC_value), with a value above / below 1 indicating that the estimated mean VDS in the last monitoring year is above / below the BAC; the standard error is given by status_se / sqrt(BAC_value)

Description: the name of the Environmenal Assessment Criterion (EAC) or equivalent
Type: categorical
Levels: EAC, FEQG, QSsp

  • EAC = Environmental Assessment Criterion
  • FEQG = Federal Environmental Quality Guideline
  • QSsp = Quality Standard secondary poisoning
  • the Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) used for the Clean Seas Indicator is a health threshold; see HAC_type

Description: the value of the EAC (or equivalent)
Unit: see unit column
Type: continuous
Range: 2, 2400
Note: more details can be found in the help files on assessment criteria for contaminants in biota and biological effects

Description: the log ratio of mean_last_year to the EAC
Unit: dimensionless
Type: continuous
Range: -8.1, 2.7

  • contaminants, PAH metabolites and EROD: status_EAC = log(mean_last_year / EAC_value), with a value above / below 0 indicating that the fitted mean concentration in the last monitoring year is above / below the EAC; the standard error is given by status_se
  • imposex: status_EAC = sqrt(mean_last_year / EAC_value), with a value above / below 1 indicating that the estimated mean VDS in the last monitoring year is above / below the EAC; the standard error is given by status_se / sqrt(EAC_value)

Description: the name of the (human) Health Assessment Criterion (HAC)
Type: categorical
Levels: MPC, QShh

  • MPC = Maximum Permissible Concentration
  • QShh = Quality Standard human health
  • there are no HAC for biological effects (as one might expect)

Description: the value of the HAC
Unit: see unit column
Type: continuous
Range: 30.5, 9146
Note: more details can be found in the help file on assessment criteria for contaminants in biota

Description: the log ratio of mean_last_year to the HAC
Unit: dimensionless
Type: continuous
Range: -4.1, 0.91
Note: status_HAC = log(mean_last_year / HAC_value), with a value above / below 0 indicating that the fitted mean concentration in the last monitoring year is above / below the HAC; the standard error is given by status_se

Description: the log of mean_last_year standardised to a common basis
Unit: log unit
Type: continuous
Range: -1.5, 6.44
Note: these values are used to investigate concentration profiles of selected PAH parent compounds, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and Polychlorinated biphenyls, and have been standardised to the basis given in basis_profile

Description: the basis of status_profile
Type: categorical
Levels: dry weight (D) or lipid weight (L)

Description: the standard error of log mean_last_year
Type: continuous
Range: 0.025, 2.06

  • contaminants, PAH metabolites and EROD: this is the also the standard error of status_BAC, status_EAC, status_HAC and status_profile
  • imposex: this is the standard error of sqrt(mean_last_year)

Description: the estimated yearly change in log concentration in the last 20 years
Type: continuous
Range: -45, 62

  • contaminants, PAH metabolites and EROD: trend can loosely be interpreted as the percentage annual change in concentration in the last 20 years assuming the trend in concentration is log-linear; values below / above 0 indicate a decreasing / increasing trend
  • imposex: trend is the estimated odds ratio of the VDS of an individual being above the EAC in one year relative to the previous year; values below / above 1 indicate a decreasing / increasing trend

Description: the standard error of trend
Type: continuous
Range: 0.014, 33.1

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.