The National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2020 is the percentage of assessments of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in biota and sediment showing concentrations that are unlikely to harm marine organisms in Scottish waters. The indicator is based on a series of regional assessments in which the mean concentration of each contaminant is compared to the Environmental Assessment Criteria (EAC) or an equivalent threshold when the EAC has not been established. The regional assessments are themselves based on the 2020 assessment of the UK's Clean Seas Environment Monitoring Programme (CSEMP).
Data and Resources
- Contaminant and biological effect data in biota used to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2020csv
The file biota_data.csv contains the contaminant and biological effect data...
Preview Download - Summary measures of status and trends for contaminants and biological effects in biota to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2020csv
The file biota_regional_data.csv contains summary measures of status and...
Preview Download - Contaminant data in sediment used to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2020csv
The file sediment_data.csv contains the contaminant data in sediment used to...
Preview Download - Summary measures of status and trends for contaminants in sediment used to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2020csv
The file sediment_regional_data.csv contains summary measures of status and...
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Field | Value |
Publisher | |
Modified | 2022-12-14 |
Release Date | 2022-12-12 |
Identifier | d71f6d93-95c7-4462-ae3f-65481c3ec7a9 |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area | POLYGON ((-9.140625 54.701614203658, -9.140625 62.937109342, 2.28515625 62.937109342, 2.28515625 54.701614203658)) |
Temporal Coverage | 1999-01-01 to 2019-12-31 |
Language | English (United Kingdom) |
License | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
Data Dictionary | |
Contact Name | Marine Scotland |
Contact Email | |
Public Access Level | Public |