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Plankton station information

The plankton station information file, contains the following columns:
Survey series: an identifying name for the survey series
Vessel: name of Research Vessel used for sampling
Station number - A unique identifier for each station
Station Lat_DDM: Latitude of the shooting position of gear expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds (WGS84)
Station Long DDM: Longitude of the shooting position of gear expressed as degrees, minutes and seconds(WGS84). Western longitude is negative.
Station X DD: Latitude of the shooting position of gear expressed as decimal degrees (WGS84)
Station Y DD: Longitude of the shooting position of gear expressed as decimal degrees (WGS84). Western longitude is negative.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.