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Plankton sampling information - Loch Linnhe Biological Sampling Data Product 2011-2013

The plankton sampling information file, contains the following columns:
Survey series: an identifying name for the survey series
Station number - A unique identifier for each station
Sample Side – L = Left R = Right
Date – Day/Month/Year
Net: Type of net used in sampling
Mesh – width of mesh in um
Tow Duration – time of sampling tow (minutes)
Flow Count – rate of flow
N1- number of nauplii stage 1 lice on fish
N2 - - number of nauplii stage 2 lice on fish
Cop- number of copepodid lice on fish
PA1- number of pre-adult stage 1 lice on fish
PA2- number of pre-adult stage 2 lice on fish
Adult- number of adult lice on fish
Total – total number of lice of all stages on fish

The plankton data summary information file, contains the following columns:
Survey series: an identifying name for the survey series
Station number - A unique identifier for each station
Season – season when sampling occurred
Year – year sampling occurred
Npl_density – density of nauplii in sample
Cppd_density – density of copepodid in sample

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.