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Marine Scotland Science (MSS) undertakes a wide range of monitoring covering many aspects of the Scottish marine ecosystem.

Monitoring is undertaken in Scottish Inshore Waters, using networks of volunteers and automatic recording equipment, as well as in Scottish Offshore Waters, using the MSS research vessels MRV Alba na Mara and MRV Scotia.

Marine Scotland Science also participates national monitoring programmes, such as:

  • UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS)
  • UK Marine Environmental Change Network (MECN)
  • UK Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN)

This group provides published data from monitoring these activities. For many activities, there are national or international standards for how the monitoring is undertaken.

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UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

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Sediment type and surficial sedimentary carbon stocks across the United Kingdom’s Exclusive Economic Zone and the territorial waters of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands

Spatial mapping of the sediment type and the carbon (C) stored in the top 10 cm of the sediments found across the seabed of the United Kingdom’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and within the territorial waters of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. The dataset contains two resources:
UK EEZ Sediment Type: Spatial mapping of seafloor sediment type classified using the modified Folk scheme.
UK EEZ Surficial Sedimentary Carbon: Spatial mapping of the organic carbon (OC) and inorganic (IC) in the top 10 cm of sediments.
The work is part of the Scottish Blue Carbon Forum research programme funded by the Scottish Government.
Full details of the production of this data can be found in:
Smeaton, C., Hunt, C.A., Turrell, W.R. and Austin, W.E.N. (2021), Marine sedimentary carbon stocks of the United Kingdom’s Exclusive Economic Zone, Frontiers in Earth Sciences.

Smeaton, C., Hunt, C.A., Turrell, W.R. and Austin, W.E.N. 2021. Sediment type and surficial sedimentary carbon stocks across the United Kingdom’s Exclusive Economic Zone and the territorial waters of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.. doi: 10.7489/12354-1

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-25.3125 48.759810080892, -25.3125 64.136973310732, 5.80078125 64.136973310732, 5.80078125 48.759810080892))
Temporal Coverage
2020-04-01 to 2020-12-31
English (United Kingdom)
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

The mapping is based of 203,710 surficial (top 10cm) seabed descriptions, physical property and geochemical data points collected from primary and secondary sources. The seabed descriptions were harmonized into 16 classes using a modified Folk classification scheme. Indicator Kriging was used to map the categorical variables (e.g. sediment type) across the UK EEZ. Simple Kriging, with spherical semi-variogram with Gaussian geostatistical simulations was combined with the physical property and geochemical data to map the spatial distribution of OC and IC across the seabed of the UKEEZ. All calculations and modelling were carried out within the ESRI ArcGIS software package using the spatial interpolation, raster calculator and the zonal statistics tools
Full details of the methodology and quality control measures can be found in the supporting documents and Smeaton et al. (2021).

Contact Name
Marine Scotland and University of St Andrews
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