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SMFS 1101 - Summary of results of the calculations for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, protein production and gross value added (GVA) value, UK fishing fleet, 2017.

Summary of results of the calculations for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, protein production and gross value added (GVA) value, UK fishing fleet, 2017.

Fleet segment

DT - Demersal trawl; NT - Nephrops trawl; GN - Gill netters; LL – Long liners; LA - Low activity; BT - Beam trawl; DS - Demersal seiners; PT - Pots and traps; SD - Scallop dredge; UT - Under 10m; PL - Pelagic

Fleet segment description

DT1 - Area VIIA demersal trawl over 10m
NT1 - Area VIIA nephrops over 250kW
NT2 - Area VIIA nephrops under 250kW
DT2 - Area VIIb-k trawlers 10-24m (Not Nephrops)
DT3 - Area VIIb-k trawlers 24-40m (Not Nephrops)
GN1 - UK Gill netters over 10m (Not Nephrops)
LL1 - UK Longliners over 10m (Not Nephrops)
LA1 - Low activity vessels over 10m
LA2 - Low activity vessels under 10m
BT1 - North Sea beam trawl over 300kW (Not Nephrops)
BT2 - North Sea beam trawl under 300kW (Not Nephrops)
NT3 - North Sea nephrops trawl over 300kW
NT4 - North Sea nephrops trawl under 300kW
DT3 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal trawl over 24m (Not Nephrops)
DS1 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal pair trawls and seines (Not Nephrops)
DS2 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal seiners (Not Nephrops)
DT4 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal trawl under 24m, over 300kW (Not Nephrops)
DT5 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal trawl under 24m, under 300kW (Not Nephrops)
PT1 - UK pots and traps 10m-12m
PT2 - UK Pots and traps over 12m
BT3 - South West beam trawl under 250kW
BT4 - South West beam trawl over 250kW
SD1 - UK scallop dredge over 15m (Scallops, queen scallops, cockles)
SD2 - UK scallop dredge under 15m (Scallops, queen scallops, cockles)
UT1 - UK demersal trawls and seines under 10m
UT2 - UK drift and fixed nets under 10m
UT3 - UK pots and traps under 10m
UT4 - UK hooks under 10m
NT5 - West of Scotland nephrops trawl over 250kW
NT6 - West of Scotland nephrops trawl under 250kW
PL1 - UK pelagic trawl over 40m (mackerel)

Column description

Fleet segment – Fleet Segment
Fuel Cost per vessel (£000) - Average annual cost of fuel for a single vessel in a fleet segment (£000)
Litres per vessel – Average litres of fuel used per vessel
N Vessels in Sector – Number of active vessels in the sector
Litres per sector – Total average annual fuel usage of the entire sector (litres)
kg CO2 of sector – Kilograms of CO2 emitted by sector
Landings of sector (tonnes) – Total annual landings of fish / shellfish from the sector
Protein of sector (tonnes) - Total amount of protein derived from landed product in the sector (tonnes)
kg CO2 per 40g protein – Kilograms of CO2 emitted per 40g of protein
Average GVA per vessel (£'000) - Average Gross Value Added GVA income per vessel (£000)
Value of Sector (£'000) – Total value of sector (£000)

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