Summary of results of the calculations for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, protein production and gross value added (GVA) value, UK fishing fleet, 2017.
Fleet segment
DT - Demersal trawl; NT - Nephrops trawl; GN - Gill netters; LL – Long liners; LA - Low activity; BT - Beam trawl; DS - Demersal seiners; PT - Pots and traps; SD - Scallop dredge; UT - Under 10m; PL - Pelagic
Fleet segment description
DT1 - Area VIIA demersal trawl over 10m
NT1 - Area VIIA nephrops over 250kW
NT2 - Area VIIA nephrops under 250kW
DT2 - Area VIIb-k trawlers 10-24m (Not Nephrops)
DT3 - Area VIIb-k trawlers 24-40m (Not Nephrops)
GN1 - UK Gill netters over 10m (Not Nephrops)
LL1 - UK Longliners over 10m (Not Nephrops)
LA1 - Low activity vessels over 10m
LA2 - Low activity vessels under 10m
BT1 - North Sea beam trawl over 300kW (Not Nephrops)
BT2 - North Sea beam trawl under 300kW (Not Nephrops)
NT3 - North Sea nephrops trawl over 300kW
NT4 - North Sea nephrops trawl under 300kW
DT3 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal trawl over 24m (Not Nephrops)
DS1 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal pair trawls and seines (Not Nephrops)
DS2 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal seiners (Not Nephrops)
DT4 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal trawl under 24m, over 300kW (Not Nephrops)
DT5 - North Sea and West of Scotland demersal trawl under 24m, under 300kW (Not Nephrops)
PT1 - UK pots and traps 10m-12m
PT2 - UK Pots and traps over 12m
BT3 - South West beam trawl under 250kW
BT4 - South West beam trawl over 250kW
SD1 - UK scallop dredge over 15m (Scallops, queen scallops, cockles)
SD2 - UK scallop dredge under 15m (Scallops, queen scallops, cockles)
UT1 - UK demersal trawls and seines under 10m
UT2 - UK drift and fixed nets under 10m
UT3 - UK pots and traps under 10m
UT4 - UK hooks under 10m
NT5 - West of Scotland nephrops trawl over 250kW
NT6 - West of Scotland nephrops trawl under 250kW
PL1 - UK pelagic trawl over 40m (mackerel)
Column description
Fleet segment – Fleet Segment
Fuel Cost per vessel (£000) - Average annual cost of fuel for a single vessel in a fleet segment (£000)
Litres per vessel – Average litres of fuel used per vessel
N Vessels in Sector – Number of active vessels in the sector
Litres per sector – Total average annual fuel usage of the entire sector (litres)
kg CO2 of sector – Kilograms of CO2 emitted by sector
Landings of sector (tonnes) – Total annual landings of fish / shellfish from the sector
Protein of sector (tonnes) - Total amount of protein derived from landed product in the sector (tonnes)
kg CO2 per 40g protein – Kilograms of CO2 emitted per 40g of protein
Average GVA per vessel (£'000) - Average Gross Value Added GVA income per vessel (£000)
Value of Sector (£'000) – Total value of sector (£000)