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Razor clams - densities by tow

description of field, format, units. Fields separated by ; Ship = Ship name; Date = Date, datetime, day/month/year; Region =Region; Site = Site within region; Stn = Tow number; Plot_Symbol Column added to aid plotting data in R, pch=integer; AvDepth_m = Average water depth during tow in metres; UTC_Start = Time of tow start, UTC, hh:mm; Lat_Start = Latitude of tow start, numeric, dec deg; Lon_Start = Longitude of tow start, numeric, dec deg; UTC_End=Time of tow end, UTC, hh:mm; Lat_End = Latitude of tow end, numeric, dec deg; Lon_End = Longitude of tow end, numeric, dec deg; TowLen_mins = Duration of tow, numeric, mins; TowLenGPS_m = Tow length estimated from start and end GPS positions, metres; TowLengthVerticalStitched_m = Tow length estimated from vertically stitching seabed video, metres; QualityVerticalStitching = Qualitative assessment of quality of vertical stitching, text; Diff_TowLen_GPS_VerticalStitched = Difference b

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.

Additional Information

filesize10.94 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampMar 23, 2018