description of field, format, units. Fields separated by ; Ship = Ship name; Date = Date, datetime, day/month/year; Region =Region; Site = Site within region; Stn = Tow number; Plot_Symbol Column added to aid plotting data in R, pch=integer; AvDepth_m = Average water depth during tow in metres; UTC_Start = Time of tow start, UTC, hh:mm; Lat_Start = Latitude of tow start, numeric, dec deg; Lon_Start = Longitude of tow start, numeric, dec deg; UTC_End=Time of tow end, UTC, hh:mm; Lat_End = Latitude of tow end, numeric, dec deg; Lon_End = Longitude of tow end, numeric, dec deg; TowLen_mins = Duration of tow, numeric, mins; TowLenGPS_m = Tow length estimated from start and end GPS positions, metres; TowLengthVerticalStitched_m = Tow length estimated from vertically stitching seabed video, metres; QualityVerticalStitching = Qualitative assessment of quality of vertical stitching, text; Diff_TowLen_GPS_VerticalStitched = Difference b
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