Primary tabs

0723A Catch Length Distribution Data

SurveyAcronym: Indicating project name. Allows merging with all other data files belonging to the same survey.
CruiseNumber: Indicating survey number/year/vessel. Allows merging with all other data files belonging to the same survey.
SpeciesID: Three letter species code. Allows merging with all other data files belonging to the same survey.
PairHaulNumber: Hauls conducted successively to form a pair of a test haul and a control haul. This indicates the pair number. Allows merging with all other data files belonging to the same survey.
Length_cm: Length of fish expressed in centimetres (cm). Important note: If length measurements for Nephrops are available these are expressed in millimetres (mm).
ControlGear: Length distribution for the control gear.
ControlRF: Raising factor for the control gear.
TestGear: Length distribution for the test gear.
TestRF: Raising factor for the test gear.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.

Additional Information

filesize1.07 MB
resource typefile upload
timestampApr 16, 2024