Primary tabs

Data associated with The Thermal Environment of an Inter-tidal Pacific Oyster Farm

Column headings -

Year - Year
Month - Month (numeric)
Hour - Hour (24 hour clock)
Minute - Minute
Decimal Year - Decimal Year
Tupper(t) – in situ temperature at time t at upper trestle (⁰ C)
Tlower(t) – in situ temperature at time t at lower trestle (⁰ C)
H(t) – height of the tide at Tobermory at time t (m)
Tair(t) – air temperature at Stornoway airport (⁰ C). Ten minute values interpolated from hourly values in original data.
Sun(t) – duration of sunshine at Stornoway airport (hours). Ten minute values interpolated from hourly values in original data.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.