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Scottish Coastal Observatory - Stonehaven - Ocean Acidification

Scottish Coastal Observatory data is published under a digital object identifier for each monitoring site. No published data will be modified, but additional years of data will be added to resources after publication once Quality control is completed.
We therefore recommend that citations include information about the range of data used when citing the dataset (e.g. date or other parameter range, including filtering by quality flags)

Data columns:
Site: The Scottish Coastal Observatory Site on which data are collected
SamplingDate: Date on which the sample was collected.
Depth(m): Depth of the water sample, typically near surface and and seabed
Total Alkainity (uM/kg)
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (uM/kg)
Calcite saturation
Aragonite saturation

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.