The column headers are:
Stock Assessment Area
Description: stock assessment area identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 173
Note: Stock Assessment Areas are individual rivers, except for those areas where fishery catch cannot be assigned to individual rivers. In such cases, rivers are combined to form geographically-coherent groups of rivers. See resource "Salmon and Sea Trout Assessment areas and corresponding District, Reporting Area and Region"
Description: year of season fish were reported caught
Type: discrete
Levels: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Note: Sea trout and finnock catch is not held by Stock Assessment Area for seasons 2011 to 2016
Description: month fish were reported to have been caught
Type: discrete
Range: January to November
Month Number
Description: number of month that fish were reported caught
Type: discrete
Range: 1 to 11
Released Wild MSW
Description: number of wild multi sea-winter salmon reported as caught by rod and subsequently released
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 3212
Retained Wild MSW
Description: number of wild multi sea-winter salmon reported as caught by rod and not returned to the water
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 1386
Released Wild 1SW
Description: number of wild one sea-winter salmon (grilse) reported as caught by rod and subsequently released
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 1138
Retained Wild 1SW
Description: number of wild one sea-winter salmon (grilse) reported as caught by rod and not returned to the water
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 456
Released sea trout
Description: number of adult sea trout reported as caught by rod and subsequently released
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 609
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) are not included in the sea trout figures
Retained sea trout
Description: number of adult sea trout reported as caught by rod and not returned to the water
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 286
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) are not included in the sea trout figures
Released finnock
Description: number of finnock reported as caught by rod and subsequently released
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 356
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) are not included in the sea trout figures
Retained finnock
Description: number of finnock reported as caught by rod and not returned to the water
Type: continuous
Range: 0 to 40
Note: Finnock (may also be known as whitling or herling) are not included in the sea trout figures