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Organic carbon density of surficial soils across Scottish saltmarshes

Mapped organic carbon (OC) density of surficial soils across Scottish saltmarsh. The OC density (kg m-2) for the surficial soils (top 10 cm) is mapped across Scottish saltmarshes identified in the Scottish Saltmarsh Survey (Haynes, 2016). Additionally, OC densities have been extrapolated for saltmarsh soils to a depth of 15cm for the purposes of comparison to United Kingdom terrestrial soil carbon inventories.
The spatial maps are built upon surficial (top 10 cm) soil bulk density and carbon data produced by the NERC C-Side project (Ruranska et al., 2020) combined with existing saltmarsh vegetation maps (Haynes, 2016).

Smeaton, C., Miller, L.C., Ruranska, P., Austin, W.E.N. 2021. Organic carbon density of surficial soils across Scottish saltmarshes. doi: 10.7489/12389-1

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POLYGON ((-8.96484375 54.856058604545, -8.96484375 61.168410844977, -0.087890625 61.168410844977, -0.087890625 54.856058604545))
English (United Kingdom)
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
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OC densities were calculated for each class of saltmarsh vegetation found in Scotland. The OC content (% wt.) and dry bulk density (kg m-2) for saltmarsh soils were provide by the NERC C-Side project (Ruranska et al., 2020). This data resource contains 471 data points from across 46 Scottish saltmarshes. A portion of these data points were assigned National Vegetation class (NVC) based on in person surveys. The points without NVC data were assigned classes based upon the Saltmarsh NVC mapping (Haynes, 2016). Following the standard methodology (Smeaton et al., 2020), saltmarsh C stocks and densities were calculated. The calculations were carried out within an Monte Carlo Markov Chain Framework (MCMC). MCMC analysis was applied by taking 1,000,000 out of 100,000,000 random samples from a normal distribution of each variable (OC content, Bulk density, etc.) to populate the stock calculations.
The mean OC density of each NVC class was combined with the NVC mapping of Scottish saltmarshes (Haynes, 2016) to produce a bespoke GIS layer mapping the OC density across Scottish saltmarsh soils to a depth of 10 and 15 cm.
Full details outlined in accompanying report.

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