Primary tabs

Ocean Acidification Baseline Study - East Coast Scotland 2008-2013

Column Headings:

Station Name
Station Dictionary Name assigned to site for data submissions to BODC MERMAN and ICES DOME
Variable Type: Character/Vocabulary

Latitude in decimal degrees (negative for Southern Hemisphere)
Variable Type: Numeric (3 decimal places)

Longitude in decimal degrees (negative for Western Hemisphere)
Variable Type: Numeric (3 decimal places)

Date in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
Variable Type: date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Time _UTC
Time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
Variable Type: Time (hh:mm)

Water depth where the samples were taken (depth of sample taken).
Unit: Meters
Variable type: Numeric (integer)

Temperature at the sampling depth, as recorded from CTD
Unit: degrees Celsius
Variable Type: Numeric (3 decimal places)

Salinity at sampling depth, as measured with a discrete bottle ( PSAL - ICES code)
Unit: PSU
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

Total Oxidised Nitrogen
Total Oxidised Nitrogen ( Nitrate+Nitrite) as measured with discrete bottle ( NTRZ- ICES code)
Unit: uM
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

Silicate as measured with discrete bottle (SLCA - ICES code)
Unit: uM
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate , as measured with discrete bottle ( PHOS- ICES code)
Unit: uM
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

Total alkalinity
Total alkalinity measured from discrete bottles (TA)
Unit: umol/kg
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
Dissolved inorganic carbon measured from discrete bottles ( DIC)
Unit: umol/kg
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

Calcite saturation
Calcite saturation derived using CO2Sys_v2.1
Unit: Ωca
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

**Aragonite saturation **
Aragonite saturation derived using CO2Sys_v2.1
Unit: Ωar
Variable Type: Numeric (2 decimal places)

pH output derived using CO2Sys_v2.1
Unit: Total scale (mol/kg-SW)
Variable Type: Numeric (3 decimal places)


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Additional Information

filesize43.21 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampAug 04, 2020