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Marine Scotland manages quota for fish stocks and all inshore fisheries within the 12 nautical mile territorial water limit. It is also responsible for controlling the activities of fishing vessels and fishing effort (days spent at sea) in the North Sea, west of Scotland and Faroese waters.
In this section, citable data and reports relevant to fishing activities will be added.


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Greater North Sea International Otter Trawl Quarter 1 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products - 2017-2019 Update

The Greater North Sea International Quarter 1 Otter Trawl Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data update resource contains both biological and sampling information for 2017-2019. This is linked to the earlier release for this region and quarter (Moriarty and Greenstreet 2017).
The “Full” data set includes rectangles that have a poor temporal sampling record. The updated resource provided is for the “SSA” or “Standard Survey Area” sampling area, and consists of two parts, “sampling information” and “biological information” (explained below). The SSA only contains rectangles that have consistent temporal sampling and meet the criteria set out in Moriarty et al, (2017). The SSA has been kept consistent with the previous release for continuity.
The “sampling information” contains all the technical information required to describe each individual haul.
The “biological information” contains all of the biological information required to describe the species length and weight distributions in each haul. Biological information is further classified by “baseline” data. This data contains a mix of species, genus, and family classifications, with a tag to say if it required further assessment and “null” length values, with a tag to say a length frequency distribution needs to be assigned. The “k-NN” or “k” number of nearest neighbours data has reconciled all of the taxonomic data to the highest resolution possible, and assigned an appropriate length distribution to the sample in question. Product type:
• This product is the Standard Survey Area - Standard Monitoring Programme this is the recommended product for all analyses.
• This product is the knn/resolved product which is recommended for all analyses.
Jens Rasmussen, Marine Scotland Science
Chris Lynam, CEFAS

Moriarty, M. & Greenstreet, S. 2020. Greater North Sea International Otter Trawl Quarter 1 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products - 2017-2019 Update. DOI: 10.7489/12310-1
Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Temporal Coverage
2017-01-01 to 2019-12-31
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

The data file contains the following columns:
Haul ID - Composed unique identifier with naming structure: survey series/vessel/year/haul number
Survey Acronym: Acronym to describe this survey dataset - used both in sampling info and biological data
Ship: Four letter code corresponding to the ICES Ship code from vocabulary TS_Ship on
Gear Type: Broad term classifying/filtering Gear types.
Gear: Explicit gear used for fishing. Alphanumeric code corresponding to entries in ICES Gear Voabulary on
YearShot: The year in which gear was deployed
MonthShot: The month in which the gear was deployed
DayShot: Day on which the gear was shot (day of the month)
Hauldur_min: The duration of fishing in minutes
ShootLat_degdec: Latitude of the shooting position of gear expressed as decimal degrees (WGS84)
ShootLong_degdec: Longitude of the shooting position of gear expressed as decimal degrees (WGS84). Western longitude is negative.
ICESStSq: ICES Statistical rectangle in which the haul took place
SurveyStratum: Depending on the specific survey, the stratum is either the ICES statistical rectangle, or reference to an entry in the ICES vocabulary TS_Depthstratum on
Depth_m: Depth at shot position (in meters)
Distance_km: Towed distance (km)
WingSpread_m: Mean distance between the wings during fishing operation (m)
DoorSpread_m: Mean distance between the doors during fishing operation (m)
NetOpen_m: Mean head-line height above seabed during fishing operation (m)
WingSwpArea_sqkm: Area of seabed swept by the net (square kilometers) - please consult Greenstreet and Moriarty 2017 for details
WingSwpVol_CorF: Multiplier converts to ‘density by wing-swept volume - please consult Greenstreet and Moriarty 2017 for details
DoorSwptArea_CorF: Multiplier converts to ‘density by door-swept area - please consult Greenstreet and Moriarty 2017 for details
DoorSwptVol_CorF: Multiplier converts to ‘density by door-swept volume - please consult Greenstreet and Moriarty 2017 for details
Biological Data - Standard Survey Area - Greater North Sea International Otter Trawl Quarter 1
The data file contains the following columns:
Haul ID: Composed unique identifier with naming structure: survey series/vessel/year/haul number. Allows merging with sample data file
Survey Acronym: Acronym to describe this survey dataset - used both in sampling info and biological data
Species SciName: Scientific species name
Aphia_Code: The APhiaID for the species. Prefix url for lookup is[Insert APhia_Code here]
Fish length_cm: Length of fish expressed in centimetres
Number: Number of fish reported in the trawl
DensAbund_N_Sqkm: Density of the fish species and size expressed as numbers per square kilometres when corrected for the swept area in each tow
DenBiom_kg_Sqkm: Density of the fish species and size expressed as kilograms biomass per square kilometre, when the abundance is corrected for swept area in each tow and converted to biomass using a length:weight relationship.

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