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ECOMMAS yearly data

Data are presented as detection-positive days (DPD) and detection-positive hours (DPH) for both species (Dol and Porp in spread sheet)

DPD = The detection of echolocation clicks per day
(1 = Detection-positive, 0 = Detection-negative)

DPH = The number of hours echolocation clicks are detected per day

Ndays = Total number of days recorded

PorpDPH_median = Median porpoise detection-positive hours for each site

DolDPH_median = Median dolphin detection-positive hours for each site

Proportion_PorpDPD = Proportion of porpoise detection-positive days (out of total days recorded, Ndays)

Proportion_DolDPD = Proportion of dolphin detection-positive days (out of total days recorded, Ndays)


Data Preview URL

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.

Additional Information

filesize6.59 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampOct 02, 2017