The data file contains the following columns:
Haul ID: Composed unique identifier with naming structure: survey series/vessel/year/haul number. Allows merging with sample data file
Survey Acronym: Acronym to describe this survey dataset - used both in sampling info and biological data
Species SciName: Scientific species name
Aphia_Code: The APhiaID for the species. Prefix url for lookup is[Insert APhia_Code here]
Fish length_cm: Length of fish expressed in centimenters
Number: Number of fish reported in the trawl
DensAbund_N_Sqkm: Density of the fish species and size expressed as numbers per square kilometers when corrected for the swept area in each tow
DenBiom_kg_Sqkm: Density of the fish species and size expressed as kilograms biomass per square kliometer, when the abundance is corrected for swpet area in each tow and converted to biomass using a lenth:weight relationship.