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Region Bounding Boxes and Background Data

This file contains coordinates for bounding boxes (and polygons in some instances) along with information on sounding, number of stations sampled and used for the calculation of means. Each depth layer also have information on the number of data points used to generate mean values for each month.

Columns in the sheet:

Area: Name of area, corresponding to the downloadable resources

Latitude North: The northernmost edge of the bounding box

Latitude South: The southernmost edge of the bounding box

Longitude West: The westernmost edge of the bounding box (Western longitudes are negative)

Longitude East: The easternmost edge of the bounding box (Western longitudes are negative)

Minimum Sounding: The depth at the shallowest station surveyed (in meters)

Maximum sounding: The depth at the deepest station surveyed (in meters)

Total Number of Stations: The total number of deployments used in calculating the monthly mean parameters (Note that a single deployment commonly collects many samples from multiple depths)

Surface layer: Description of the depth range of the surface layer

Surface layer Data Points: Total number of data points used in calculations of monthly
means for surface layer

Bottom layer: Description of the depth range of the bottom layer

Bottom layer Data Points: Total number of data points used in calculations of monthly means for bottom layer

Other Notes: Where relevant, coordinates for polygons are given.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.