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Timeseries summaries of contaminants and biological effects in biota in the 2020 assessment of the UK's Clean Seas Environment Monitoring Programme (CSEMP)

The file biota_summary.csv summarises the assessment results for each timeseries of contaminants and biological effects in biota in the 2020 assessment of the UK's Clean Seas Environment Monitoring Programme (CSEMP). The results come from timeseries models fitted to the contaminant and biological effect data in biota_data.csv which in turn are based on data extracted from the MERMAN database on 30 March 2022. Details of the modelling procedures can be found in the method help files for contaminants, PAH metabolites, imposex and other biological effects.

The file biota_summary.csv is UTF-8-BOM encoded so can be read directly into Excel, or into R using the function read.csv with the argument fileEncoding = “UTF-8-BOM”.

The data mostly relate to chemical concentrations and the variable descriptions are written with that in mind. In particular, 'concentration' is used to describe the measurement in all time series including biological effects. However, there are some important differences for time series of imposex, ACHE, Lysosomal labilisation period, Neural red retention time and Stress on stress and these are described in the footnotes at the bottom of the document.

The variables in the file are:

Description: timeseries identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 6971
Note: links to the timeseries data in biota_data.csv

Description: CSEMP region where the monitoring station is located
Type: categorical
Levels: 19
Note: see map of CSEMP regions

Description: subdivision of CSEMP region where the monitoring station is located
Type: categorical
Levels: 122
Note: there are 818 CSEMP strata, most of which are WFD water bodies, but only 122 with data

Description: biogeographic region where the monitoring station is located
Type: categorical
Levels: Northern North Sea, Southern North Sea, Eastern Channel, Western Channel & Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Minches & Western Scotland, Scottish Continental Shelf
Note: see map of biogeographic regions

Description: monitoring station
Type: categorical
Levels: 208

Description: name associated with the monitoring station
Type: categorical
Levels: 207

Description: station latitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: 50.11, 61.10
Note: this is a nominal position: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area broadly centred on this position

Description: station longitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: -7.11, 2.90
Note: this is a nominal position: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area broadly centred on this position

Description: type of monitoring station
Type: categorical
Levels: B, RH, IH
Note: baseline (B), reference (RH) or impacted (IH)

Description: station typography
Type: categorical
Levels: Estuary, Coast, Open Sea

Description: contaminant or biological effect group
Type: categorical
Levels: Metals, Organotins, PAH parent compounds, PAH alkylated compounds, PAH metabolites, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, Organobromines (other), Organofluorines, Polychlorinated biphenyls, Dioxins, Organochlorines (other), Imposex, Biological effects (other)

Description: contaminant or biological effect
Type: categorical
Levels: 103
* see ICES reference codes for PARAM
* SBDE6 is the code used for the sum of BDE28, BDE47, BDE99, BD100, BD153 and BD154
* TEQDFP is the code used for the WHO TEQ_DFP (where DFP indicates dioxins, furans and planar polychlorinated biphenyls)

Description: species
Type: categorical
Levels: 8
* Crassostrea gigas: AphiaID = 140656
* Gadus morhua: AphiaID = 126436
* Limanda limanda: AphiaID = 127139
* Merlangius merlangus: AphiaID = 126438
* Mytilus edulis: AphiaID = 140480
* Nucella lapillus: AphiaID = 140403
* Platichthys flesus: AphiaID = 127141
* Pleuronectes platessa: AphiaID = 127143

Description: sample matrix (tissue)
Type: categorical
Levels: BI, ER, HML, LI, LIS9, MU, SB, WO
Note: see ICES reference codes for MATRX

Description: basis of the assessment
Type: discrete
Levels: dry weight (D), lipid weight (L) or wet weight (W)

Description: unit of measurement
Type: discrete
Levels: %, d, mins, nmol/min/mg protein, nr/1000 cells, pmol/min/mg protein, st, TEQ ug/kg, ug/kg, ug/ml

Description: sex
Type: categorical
Levels: F, M
Note: only provided for EROD where separate time series are assessed for females (F) and males (M)

Description: method of chemical analysis
Type: categorical
Levels: FLM-SS
* see ICES reference codes for METOA
* only provided for PAH metabolites where the assessment concentrations depend on the method of analysis

Description: the symbol used to summarise the fitted trend when using environmental thresholds
Type: categorical
Levels: upward_triangle, downward_triangle, large_filled_circle, small_filled_circle, small_open_circle
* upward_triangle: significant (p < 0.05) increase in concentration in the last 20 years
* downward_triangle: significant (p < 0.05) decrease in concentration in the last 20 years
* large_filled_circle: no significant (p > 0.05) change in concentration in the last 20 years
* small_filled_circle: insufficient years of data to test for trends
* small_open_circle: only 1-2 years of data (or a time series dominated by less-than values for which no assessment criteria is available)
* the relevant significance level is given in prtrend

Description: the colour used to summarise the status assessment when using environmental thresholds
Type: categorical
Levels: blue, green, red, orange, black
* blue: the mean concentration is significantly below the Background Assessment Concentration (BAC) or equivalent (p < 0.05)
* green: the mean concentration is significantly below the Environmental Assessment Criterion (EAC) or equivalent (p < 0.05)
* red: the mean concentration is not significantly below the EAC or equivalent (p > 0.05)
* orange: the mean concentration is not significantly below the BAC or equivalent (p > 0.05) and there is no EAC or equivalent
* black: no assessment critieria

Description: the symbol used to summarise the fitted trend when using human health thresholds
Type: categorical
Levels: upward_triangle, downward_triangle, large_filled_circle, small_filled_circle, small_open_circle
* upward_triangle: significant (p < 0.05) increase in concentration in the last 20 years
* downward_triangle: significant (p < 0.05) decrease in concentration in the last 20 years
* large_filled_circle: no significant (p > 0.05) change in concentration in the last 20 years
* small_filled_circle: insufficient years of data to test for trends
* small_open_circle: only 1-2 years of data (or a time series dominated by less-than values for which no assessment criteria is available)
* the relevant significance level is given in prtrend

Description: the colour used to summarise the status assessment when using human health thresholds
Type: categorical
Levels: green, red, black
* green: the mean concentration is significantly below the human Health Assessment Criterion (HAC) (p < 0.05)
* red: the mean concentration is not significantly below the HAC (p > 0.05)
* black: no assessment critierion

Description: number of years with data
Type: integer
Range: 1, 20

Description: number of years included in the statistical analysis
Type: integer
Range: 1, 20
Note: some early years might be excluded because they are separated from the bulk of the data by large gaps in time, or because they are dominated by 'less-than' values

Description: number of years included in the analysis that have at least one concentation measurement above the limit of detection
Type: integer
Range: 0, 20

Description: first year with data
Unit: y
Type: integer
Range: 1999, 2019

Description: first year included in the statistical analysis
Unit: y
Type: integer
Range: 1999, 2019
Note: see n_year_fit for explanation

Description: last year of data
Unit: y
Type: discrete
Range: 2014, 2019
* the last year is always included in the statistical analysis
* only timeseries with some data in the last six monitoring years are included in the assessment (i.e. 2014-2019 for the 2020 assessment)

Description: the significance of the nonlinear component of the trend
Type: continuous
Range: 0, 0.038
* this assesses whether log concentrations changed nonlinearly over the monitoring period
* it is based on a likelihood ratio test comparing the smooth model with a linear model and is only given if a smooth model is selected by AICc

Description: the significance of the linear component of the trend
Type: continuous
Range: 0, 1
* this test only has a simple interpretation when the trend is linear (rather than smooth) in which case it assesses whether concentrations changed (log-linearly) over the monitoring period
* it is based on a likelihood ratio test comparing the linear model with the null model (in which only an intercept if fitted)
* for smooth models, the terms p_linear_trend and p_recent_trend are more relevant

Description: the overall significance of the trend
Type: continuous
Range: 0, 1
* this assesses whether mean concentrations changed over the monitoring period
* it is based on a likelihood ratio test comparing the fitted model (smooth or linear) with the null model
* p_overall is identical to p_linear if the fitted model is linear

Description: a test of whether the mean concentrations at the start and end of the monitoring period are the same
Type: continuous
Range: 0, 1
* for linear models, p_linear_trend is identical to p_linear
* for smooth models, p_linear_trend is based on a Wald test that compares the fitted values at the start and end of the monitoring period
* p_linear_trend can be non-significant even if p_overall is highly signficant; for example, if concentrations have increased and then decreased by the same amount

Description: an estimate of the change in mean concentration between the start and end of the monitoring period
Type: continuous
Range: -63, 62
* loosely, linear_trend can be interpreted as the percentage annual change in concentration between first_year_fit and last_year assuming the trend in concentration is log-linear
* more information can be found here

Description: a test of whether the mean concentrations 20 years ago is the same as it is today
Type: continuous
Range: 0, 1
* p_recent_trend assesses whether the mean concentration in 2000 (or first_year_fit whichever is later) is the same as the mean concentration in 2019 (or last_year whichever is earlier)
* for linear models, p_recent_trend is identical to p_linear
* for smooth models, p_recent_trend is based on a Wald test that compares the fitted values in 2000 (or first_year_fit) and 2019

Description: an estimate of the change in mean concentration in the last 20 years
Type: continuous
Range: -63, 62
* loosely, recent_trend can be interpreted as the percentage annual change in concentration in the last 20 years assuming the trend in concentration is log-linear
* more information can be found here

Description: a measure of the power of the time series to detect changes over time
Type: continuous
Range: 1.3, 136
* the annual change in log concentration (multiplied by 100) that would be detected with 90% power based on a (two-sided) test at the 5% significance level given 10 years of annual monitoring and variability typical of the time series
* loosely, detectable_trend can be interpreted as the percentage annual change in concentration detectable with 90% power in 10 years of annual monitoring
* more information can be found here

Description: the fitted mean concentration in last_year
Unit: see unit
Type: continuous
Range: 0, 3881043

Description: the upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on the fitted mean concentration in last_year
Unit: see unit
Type: continuous
Range: 0.000000000000033, 115052551

Description: the name of the Background Assessment Concentration (BAC) or equivalent
Type: categorical
Levels: BAC

Description: the value of the BAC (or equivalent)
Unit: see unit
Type: continuous
Range: 0.0054, 63000
Note: more details can be found in the help files on assessment criteria for contaminants in biota and biological effects

Description: the difference between climit_last_year and the BAC (or equivalent)
Unit: see unit
Type: continuous
Range: -5050, 115052550
Note: a negative value means that the mean concentration in the final monitoring year is significantly (p < 0.05) below the BAC

Description: the first year (moving forward) in which the mean concentration is predicted to be below the BAC (or equivalent)
Unit: y
Type: integer
Range: 2014, 3000
Notes: there are four cases
* mean_last_year &le BAC: the mean concentration is already below the BAC and BAC_achieved is set to last_year
* mean_last_year > BAC and recent_trend < 0: concentrations are predicted to decrease and BAC_achieved is set to the first year that the predicted concentration is below the BAC, assuming the rate of decrease is given by recent_trend; the year is truncated at 3000 to prevent values getting silly
* mean_last_year > BAC and recent_trend &ge 0: concentrations are predicted to increase and the mean concentration will never be below the BAC, so BAC_achieved is arbitrarily set to 3000
* mean_last_year > BAC and no trend is estimated: BAC_achieved is left blank

Description: the result of a non-parametric test of whether mean concentrations are below the BAC (or equivalent)
Type: categorical
Levels: above, below
* a one-sided sign-text, based on the last five monitoring years, is used to test whether mean concentrations are below the BAC; this provides a non-parametric alternative to the parametric test of status based on cl_last_year, and is useful when the data are dominated by less-than measurements
* the status of the time series (colour) is determined by BAC_diff if a parametric model has been fitted, and by BAC_below otherwise

Description: the name of the Environmenal Assessment Criterion (EAC) or equivalent
Type: categorical
Levels: EAC, FEQG, QSsp
* EAC = Environmental Assessment Criterion
* FEQG = Federal Environmental Quality Guideline
* QSsp = Quality Standard secondary poisoning

Description: the value of the EAC (or equivalent)
Unit: see unit
Type: continuous
Range: 0.024, 3340
Note: more details can be found in the help files on assessment criteria for contaminants in biota and biological effects

Description: the difference between climit_last_year and the EAC (or equivalent)
Unit: see unit
Type: continuous
Range: -3340, 22428
Note: a negative value means that the mean concentration in the final monitoring year is significantly (p < 0.05) below the EAC

Description: the first year (moving forward) in which the mean concentration is predicted to be below the EAC (or equivalent)
Unit: y
Type: integer
Range: 2014, 3000
Notes: there are four cases
* mean_last_year &le EAC: the mean concentration is already below the EAC and EAC_achieved is set to last_year
* mean_last_year > EAC and recent_trend < 0: concentrations are predicted to decrease and EAC_achieved is set to the first year that the predicted concentration is below the EAC, assuming the rate of decrease is given by recent_trend; the year is truncated at 3000 to prevent values getting silly
* mean_last_year > EAC and recent_trend &ge 0: concentrations are predicted to increase and the mean concentration will never be below the EAC, so EAC_achieved is arbitrarily set to 3000
* mean_last_year > EAC and no trend is estimated: EAC_achieved is left blank

Description: the result of a non-parametric test of whether mean concentrations are below the EAC (or equivalent)
Type: categorical
Levels: above, below
* a one-sided sign-text, based on the last five monitoring years, is used to test whether mean concentrations are below the EAC; this provides a non-parametric alternative to the parametric test of status based on cl_last_year, and is useful when the data are dominated by less-than measurements
* the status of the time series (colour) is determined by EAC_diff if a parametric model has been fitted, and by EAC_below otherwise

Description: the name of the (human) Health Assessment Criterion (HAC)
Type: categorical
Levels: MPC, QShh
* MPC = Maximum Permissible Concentration
* QShh = Quality Standard human health
* there are no HAC for biological effects (as one might expect)

Description: the value of the HAC
Unit: see unit column
Type: continuous
Range: 0.052, 9146
Note: more details can be found in the help file on assessment criteria for contaminants in biota

Description: the difference between climit_last_year and the HAC
Unit: see unit
Type: continuous
Range: -8771, 45882
Note: a negative value means that the mean concentration in the final monitoring year is significantly (p < 0.05) below the HAC

Description: the first year (moving forward) in which the mean concentration is predicted to be below the HAC
Unit: y
Type: integer
Range: 2014, 3000
Notes: there are four cases
* mean_last_year &le HAC: the mean concentration is already below the HAC and HAC_achieved is set to last_year
* mean_last_year > HAC and recent_trend < 0: concentrations are predicted to decrease and HAC_achieved is set to the first year that the predicted concentration is below the HAC, assuming the rate of decrease is given by recent_trend; the year is truncated at 3000 to prevent values getting silly
* mean_last_year > HAC and recent_trend &ge 0: concentrations are predicted to increase and the mean concentration will never be below the HAC, so HAC_achieved is arbitrarily set to 3000
* mean_last_year > HAC and no trend is estimated: HAC_achieved is left blank

Description: the result of a non-parametric test of whether mean concentrations are below the HAC
Type: categorical
Levels: above, below
* a one-sided sign-text, based on the last five monitoring years, is used to test whether mean concentrations are below the HAC; this provides a non-parametric alternative to the parametric test of status based on cl_last_year, and is useful when the data are dominated by less-than measurements
* the status of the time series (colour) is determined by HAC_diff if a parametric model has been fitted, and by HAC_below otherwise

Definition: an alternative classification of imposex status
Type: categorical
Levels: A, B, C

Differences for some biological effects

For imposex, linear_trend and recent_trend are the estimated log odds ratio of the VDS (or INTS) of an individual exceeding any given value in one year relative to the previous year.

For ACHE, Lysosomal labilisation period, Neural red retention time and Stress on stress, low values indicate unhealthy organisms. Consequently,
* colour_env is e.g. blue if the mean concentration is significantly above the BAC (p < 0.05)
* climit_last_year is the lower one-sided 95% confidence limit on the fitted mean concentration in last_year
* a positive value of BAC_diff means that the mean concentration in the final monitoring year is significantly above the BAC (p < 0.05)
and so on.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.


Additional Information

filesize2.23 MB
resource typefile upload
timestampDec 02, 2022