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- jensrasmussen

154 Datasets
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User since 07/26/2016
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- Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm (3) Apply Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm filter
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- Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD (3) Apply Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD filter
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- North-west European continental shelf (1) Apply North-west European continental shelf filter
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jensrasmussen's content
Temperature and Salinity from CTD Data on the Aberdeen-Hanstholm section in the North Sea
This data set of CTD and/or STD profiles at stations on the Aberdeen - Hantsholm hydrographic section in the North Sea has been collected on cruises for the AlterEco project undertaken by Marine Scotland. After initial quality assurance by the...
Aberdeen-Hanstholm CTD Data in 1m depth bins
- Temperature and Salinity from CTD Data on the Aberdeen-Hanstholm section in the North Sea
Valid CTD Stations by Survey for Aberdeen-Hanstholm Section
- Temperature and Salinity from CTD Data on the Aberdeen-Hanstholm section in the North Sea
Scottish Shelf Model Integrated grid 1960 - 2004 climatology 1.01
Marine Scotland has led the development of a hydrodynamic model of Scottish continental shelf waters, the Scottish Shelf Model (SSM). The initial model development was contracted out by the Scottish Government to CH2M Hill who worked on the...
Sub-Polar Gyre Index
We followed the method of Häkkinen and Rhines (2004) to calculate the Sub-Polar Gyre Index, which has been defined as the first Principal Component (PC1) of an Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis (EOFA) of the sea level anomaly field in the...
- 2x csv
Climatology of Surface and Near-bed Temperature and Salinity on the North-West European Continental Shelf for 1971–2000
A 30-year (1971-2000) temperature and salinity climatology is presented for sur- face and near-bed regions of the NW European shelf seas, with a resolution of 1/6? longitude by 1/10? latitude. The data have been extracted from the International...
Temperature and Salinity from CTD Data on the Nolso-Flugga Section
This data set of CTD and/or STD profiles at stations on the Nolso-Flugga (NOL) hydrographic section has been collected on cruises under many different projects and programmes undertaken by Marine Scotland and the Faroe Marine Research Institute...
Temperature and Salinity from CTD Data on the Fair Isle-Munken Section
This data set of CTD and/or STD profiles at stations on the Fair Isle-Munken (FIM) hydrographic section has been collected on cruises under many different projects and programmes undertaken by Marine Scotland, the Faroe Marine Research Institute...