Scottish Coastal Observatory - Millport - Phytoplankton counts - First 400 cells
- Scottish Coastal Observatory - Millport Site
154 Datasets
10 Groups
User since 07/26/2016
Dataset used for Scottish Marine Assessment 2020 - contains positional data and items per km squared sea surface. Also contains raw counts of microplastics per sample. **Please note:** this data set has been expanded and re-published with more...
Spatial mapping of the sediment type and the carbon (C) stored in the top 10 cm of the sediments found across the seabed of the United Kingdom’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and within the territorial waters of the Isle of Man and the Channel...
Organic and inorganic carbon content of 886 surficial (top 10cm) sediment samples from across Scottish adjacent waters. Samples were collected across the Scottish portion of the UK EEZ with the aim of understanding the organic carbon and...