2023 Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics - Fishing Effort and Quantity and Value of Landings by ICES Rectangles
These datasets provide fishing effort and landings data (tonnage and value) by ICES rectangles (geographic areas).
154 Datasets
10 Groups
User since 07/26/2016
These datasets provide fishing effort and landings data (tonnage and value) by ICES rectangles (geographic areas).
This dataset and associated Shiny App (https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-srtmn-data/) were developed to allow users to visualise quality controlled data from standing waters monitored as part of the UK Upland Waters Monitoring Network (UWMN). The...
This dataset and associated Shiny App (https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-srtmn-data/) were developed to allow users to visualise quality controlled data from streams and loch outflows monitored as part of the UK Upland Waters Monitoring Network (...
This dataset and associated Shiny App was developed to allow users to visualise quality controlled data collected under the Scotland River Temperature Monitoring Network (SRTMN; https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/marine/Salmon-Trout-Coarse/Freshwater/...
Dataset for Marine Scotland Monitoring Project. Contains positional data and items per km squared sea surface and per cubic metre of seawater. Also contains raw counts of microplastics per sample. Will be updated annually
The conservation status of 173 wild Atlantic salmon stocks (rivers or small groups of rivers) is assessed annually within Scotland according to how likely it is their numbers are at sustainable levels as part of the Salmon Conservation...
This metadata entry covers the data used to generate the Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report "Assessing spread of Didemnum vexillum in Scotland using environmental DNA", and the report itself. Report executive summary: Carpet sea squirt...
Aggregated salmon and sea trout catch statistics are provided for 109 Salmon Fishery Districts, covering all of Scotland. The categories by which sea trout data have been reported have varied through the time series (see “Collecting the Marine...
The catch form return time series runs from 1997 to the most recently published season. The annual return of forms across all Scotland is provided as the number of forms issued, together with the numbers of forms returned reporting catch or...
Reported rod catches of salmon, from the 2011 to 2023 seasons, and sea trout, from the 2017 to 2023 seasons, are provided by Stock Assessment Area and month. Statistical Salmon Fishery District and regional catch data are available within the...