2022 Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics - Fishing Effort and Quantity and Value of Landings by ICES Rectangles
These datasets provide fishing effort and landings data (tonnage and value) by ICES rectangles (geographic areas).
154 Datasets
10 Groups
User since 07/26/2016
These datasets provide fishing effort and landings data (tonnage and value) by ICES rectangles (geographic areas).
Presentations given during our workshop on the 7th of September 2023, on Communication of Knowledge Strength in Sea Lice Dispersal Modelling
Presence records of Swifita pallida were downloaded from the following online databases: Marine Recorder (Feb 2019 snashot), GeMS v7i22, OBIS (21st May 2019) and NBN Atlas (13th May 2019). Additional known records that were not in these databases...
Beach clean data collected from 27 locations on the west coast of Scotland. In total there were 49 surveys.
Production and employment statistics for shellfish aquaculture in Scotland. Please note that Marine Scotland will update this dataset annually when new statistics are released. No data previously published will have changed, but additional years...
These data products describe the distribution of Essential Fish Habitats (EFH) for fish and shellfish species in Scottish waters. This contributes in developing the evidence base on EFH, which will help the Scottish Government in targeting future...
**These data have been updated with 2011-2016 and 2022 data - the updated data are available at https://doi.org/10.7489/12458-1. Please use this link to download the most accurate and up to date data.** The 2017 to 2021 season salmon rod catch...
**These data have been updated with 2022 data - the updated data are available at https://doi.org/10.7489/12457-1. Please use this link to download the most accurate and up to date data.** The time series for retained net and rod catch runs from...
**These data have been updated with 2022 data - the updated data are available at https://doi.org/10.7489/12459-1. Please use this link to download the most accurate and up to date data. ** The catch form return time series runs from 1997 to the...
The Shieldaig trap is long term monitoring site focussed on salmonids and operating since 1999. During some years these have also operated as downstream eel traps, resulting in years with complete, partial or absent annual count data as follows...