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Biological Data - Standard Survey Area - Celtic Sea - Scotland Otter Trawl Quarter 4

The data file contains the following columns:

Haul ID: Composed unique identifier with naming structure: survey series/vessel/year/haul number. Allows merging with sample data file
Survey Acronym: Acronym to describe this survey dataset - used both in sampling info and biological data
Species SciName: Scientific species name
Aphia_Code: The APhiaID for the species. Prefix url for lookup is[Insert APhia_Code here]
Fish length_cm: Length of fish expressed in centimenters
Number: Number of fish reported in the trawl
DensAbund_N_Sqkm: Density of the fish species and size expressed as numbers per square kilometers when corrected for the swept area in each tow
DenBiom_kg_Sqkm: Density of the fish species and size expressed as kilograms biomass per square kliometer, when the abundance is corrected for swpet area in each tow and converted to biomass using a lenth:weight relationship.


Data Preview URL

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.

Additional Information

filesize15.51 MB
resource typefile upload
timestampOct 02, 2017