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Marine Scotland deliver data and reports through the portal, and assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to each published dataset. Once a DOI is created, it will remain on the site for reference information for as long as the site remain operational.
However, from time to time, we may update a published dataset to include more up to date information, or remove any potential errors in reported data. When we do this, the dataset will be released as a new dataset, with a new DOI assigned. To avoid confusion, we will then move any previous versions of the dataset to this Archived.
Hence, the archive group is for records that have more recent and updated information in other groups. As such, we always recommend to locate the more up to date resource.

Data Extent


UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

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Salmon and Sea Trout fishery statistics: 2016 Season - annual returns of forms by District

Please note this dataset has now been updated, and is available on doi: 10.7489/12207-1. The original material is retained by Marine Scotland, and is available on request, but we recommend updating references and using the updated dataset instead.

The catch form return time series runs from 1997 to the most recently published season. The annual return rate of forms is provided as the numbers of returns expressed as a % of the total numbers of forms issued. These data are provided by District, the finest geographical scale consistently available over the time series. Fishery districts correspond either to a single river catchment together with adjacent coast or to groups of neighbouring river catchments and associated coastline. Ordering the data with respect to “Report Order” sorts the Districts spatially. Districts are ordered counter-clockwise starting with the Tweed as Report Order 1.

Marine Scotland. 2017. Salmon and Sea Trout fishery statistics - annual returns of forms by District. DOI: 10.7489/1915-1

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-9.5361328125 55.379110448011, -9.5361328125 60.909073282636, 2.021484375 60.909073282636, 2.021484375 55.379110448011))
Temporal Coverage
1997-01-01 to 2016-12-31
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Marine Scotland
Data Dictionary

Statistics for a given season are published in the following April. Historical data will be updated each April with the publication of the following year’s data .

Contact Name
Marine Scotland
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