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Applicability of strategic digital aerial survey at sea of marine mammals and seabirds in scotland

Applicability of strategic digital aerial survey at sea of marine mammals and seabirds in Scotland Observation data was collected in spread sheets and geodatabases.

Brookes, K. 2017. Applicability of strategic digital aerial survey at sea of marine mammals and seabirds in Scotland. DOI: 10.7489/1779-1

Data and Resources

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Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-1.8268069624901 56.568562579151, -4.4435298442841 57.535406586849, -4.0838375687599 58.225703337315, -1.7868165671825 58.6023814071, -0.38847640156746 58.078224626589))
Temporal Coverage
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

In order to support the development of an aerial survey programme the Scottish Government commissioned the provision of high-resolution digital video camera equipment from HiDef Aerial survey programme in Scottish waters. The purpose of this programme was to provide information on the distribution of marine mammals and seabirds to assist the deployment of offshore marine renewable energy and the development of a network of marine protected areas (“MPA”) in Scottish waters. A series of digital video aerial surveys were undertaken off the east coast in Scottish waters using a HiDef bespoke GEN II survey rig. Broad-scale surveys were carried out in terrestrial waters of East Scotland between Helmsdale and St Abb’s Head and within this zone, three sets of detailed surveys were undertaken between July and September 2014. Detailed surveys were carried out also at two tidal energy test sites in Orkney during October and November 2014. A considerable volume of survey data were accumulated during 2014, but for much of the East Coast of Scotland study area, only non-avian animal data have been extracted from the video reels. The seabird data that have yet to be extracted from this video material represent a considerable resource of high quality data to support decision-making for the consenting of current and future offshore wind farms and for recently consented projects in the Forth, Tay and Moray Firth.

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Marine Scotland Science
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