This evidence map summarises evidence gaps identified during the Communication of Knowledge Strength in Sea Lice Dispersal Modelling - Technical Working Group Round Table Meeting and relates to the development of models of sea lice dispersion to support aquaculture in Faroes, Norway, and Scotland.
This map is part of a wider programme of work being undertaken by the Technical Working Group encompassing a framework for describing uncertainty in modelling focusing on multiple factors including: diadromous fish distribution, abundance and behaviour (migration and growth); sea lice distribution, abundance and behaviour; physical processes, within the lense of communicating modelling uncertainty. An overview of the Technical Working Group and presentations can be found online at; https://marine.gov.scot/node/24311
This evidence map may be used across Marine Directorate, SEPA, IMR and Fiskaeling and by wider stakeholders to identify research priorities, develop project proposals, and pursue funding."
Please consult the Readme tab in the resource spreadsheet for full details.