This resource file contains the following columns:
Date – The date the cage was deployed
Cage_type – Identifier for the type of cage deployed. Either ‘Fixed’ or ‘Towed’.
Tow_number – Identifier for the specific FSC or TSC deployed.
Start_location – Start of deployment location for specific cage in Degrees decimal minutes
End_location – End of deployment location for specific cage in Degrees decimal minutes
Life_stage – Life cycle of stage of any lice found on sentinel cage salmon. Either ‘Copepodid’, ‘Chalimus I’, ‘Chalimus II’, ‘Pre-Adult I’, ‘Pre-Adult II’ or ‘Adult’.
Lice_number – Number of lice found of the specific life cycle stage.
Notes – Any notes on tow/lice or fish.
Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.