Column Headings
Table 1: A list of all columns included in the raw data and a description of each.
Column | Description |
beach | Local survey location |
date | Date the survey took place |
team | Volunteers present |
start time | Volunteers began searching the transect |
end time | Volunteers finished searching the transect |
latitude | GPS at one point on the transect |
longitude | GPS at one point on the transect |
sea_region | Body of water in which the beach lies on |
location | Region in which the beach is located |
land | Differentiation between mainland and island |
beach_dir | Direction in which the beach faces |
beach_orientation | Distinction whether the beaches face the prevailing wind direction or not (windward / leeward) – in this case SW is windward and NE is leeward |
survey_count | Number of beach clean surveys at each beach |
substrate | Substrate categorisation observed at time of survey (sandy, pebble sml, pebble lrg, coarse sand) |
sea_strength | Strength of the waves observed (calm, medium, strong) |
tide | Tide phase (low, high) |
wind_dir | Wind direction at time of survey (onshore, offshore) |
wind_strength | Strength (weak, medium, strong) |
rain | Was it raining? |
rain_strength | Rain strength at time of survey (weak, medium, heavy) |
season | Time of year the survey was conducted |
survey_length (m) | The length of the horizontal transect (m) |
comments | Any observations at the time of the survey |
picture | Pictures taken of the beach |
accessibility | How easy to access the beach by car (easy < 10 min walk, medium > 10 min walk, difficult – not accessible by car > 30 min walk) |
bags | How many bags were removed at the time of the beach clean |
clean bag | The date the bag was washed and dried |
count bag | The date the bag was counted |
weigh bag | The date the bag was weighed |
01_plastic_itemName | Count of plastic items removed (categories labelled 01 are land sourced) |
02_plastic_itemName | Count of plastic items removed (categories labelled 02 are marine sourced) |
03_plastic_itemName | Count of plastic items removed (categories labelled 03 are of an unknown source) |
count: itemName | Count of non-plastic items removed |
04_plastic_itemName | Weight (g) of plastic items removed (categories labelled 04 are land sourced) |
05_plastic_itemName | Weight (g) of plastic items removed (categories labelled 05 are marine sourced) |
06_plastic_itemName | Weight (g) of plastic items removed (categories labelled 06 are of an unknown source) |
weight: itemName | Weight (g) of non-plastic items removed |
nonremovable_itemName | Items that were recorded during the survey but not removed either due to logistical reasons, burial or trapped in the sediments or rocks |
comments | Comments that are specific to non-removed items |
Table 2: A description of the variables generated from the raw data and included within the database. Each variable is calculated for per individual beach clean survey (n count = 49, n weight = 43).
Variable | Description |
total_count | total no. of all items removed from the beach |
total_plasticCount | total no. of plastic items removed from the beach (i.e., labelled plastic, medical or sanitary in the database) |
total_count/100 | total no. of all items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
total_plasticCount/100 | total no. of plastic items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
land_plasticCount | total no. of plastic land-based items removed from the beach |
marine_plasticCount | total no. of plastic marine-based items removed from the beach |
unk_plasticCount | total no. of plastic items from an unknown source removed from the beach |
land_plasticCount/100 | total no. of plastic land-based items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
marine_plasticCount/100 | total no. of plastic marine-based items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
unk_plasticCount/100 | total no. of plastic items from an unknown source standardised to 100 m survey transect |
total_weight(g) | total weight of all items removed from the beach |
total_plasticWeight(g) | total weight of plastic items removed from the beach (i.e., labelled plastic, medical or sanitary in the database) |
total_ weight(g)/100 | total weight of all items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
total_ plasticWeight(g)/100 | total weight of plastic items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
land_ plasticWeight(g) | total weight of plastic land-based items removed from the beach |
marine_ plasticWeight(g) | total weight of plastic marine-based items removed from the beach |
unk_ plasticWeight(g) | total weight of plastic items from an unknown source removed from the beach |
land_ plasticWeight(g)/100 | total weight of plastic land-based items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
marine_ plasticWeight(g)/100 | total weight of plastic marine-based items standardised to 100 m survey transect |
unk_ plasticWeight(g)/100 | total weight of plastic items from an unknown source standardised to 100 m survey transect |
Table 3: A list of all plastic items recorded in the database (n = 77), including each variable name in the dataset, and a description that was used to identify each. This list follows the methodology of OSPAR, and each OSPAR ID is presented. The division of source, and sub-source (defined by Marine Conservation Society) is also provided.
Source Type | Sub-Source | Variable | Item | OSPAR ID |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_yokes | 4/6 pack yokes | 1 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_pooBag | Dog faeces bags | 121 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_bags | Bags (shopping) | 2 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_bagsSmall | Bags (freezer) | 3 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_bottlesDrinks | Bottles / containers: drinks | 4 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_bottlesToiletries | Bottles / containers: toiletries | 7 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_bottlesLid | Caps / lids | 15 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_lighters | Cigarette lighters / tobacco pouches | 16 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_cigaretteButt | Cigarette stubs | 64 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_combsBrushSunglasses | Combs / hairbrush / sunglasses | 18 |
Land | Public | 01_polystyrene_cups | Cups (ply) | 21 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_cups | Cups (plastic) | 21 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_cutleryStrawsTrays | Cutlery / tray / straw | 22 |
Land | Public | 01_polystyrene_foodContainer | Food container (ply) | 6 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_foodContainer | Food container (plastic) | 6 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_packagingDomestic | Packets (crisps / lolly / sweets) | 19 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_pens | Pens / pen lids | 17 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_shoes | Shoes / sandals | 44 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_shotgun | Shotgun cartridge | 43 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_toys | Toys / party poppers / fireworks / dummies | 20 |
Land | Public | 01_plastic_carParts | Car parts | 14 |
Land | Sewage | 01_sanitary_condoms | Condoms | 97 |
Land | Sewage | 01_plastic_cottonBud | Cotton bud (plastic) | 98 |
Land | Sewage | 01_sanitary_tampons | Tampon applicators | 100 |
Land | Sewage | 01_sanitary_towels | Towels / panty liners | 99 |
Land | Sewage | 01_sanitary_wetWipe | Wet wipes | NA |
Land | Sewage | 01_sanitary_toiletFreshener | Toilet freshener | 101 |
Land | Sewage | 01_sanitary_other | Other sanitary | 102 |
Land | Medical | 01_medical_containers | Medical container / tubes | 103 |
Land | Medical | 01_medical_facemask | Single-use face mask | NA |
Land | Medical | 01_medical_gloves | Single-use gloves | NA |
Land | Medical | 01_medical_syringe | Syringe / needles | 104 |
Land | Medical | 01_medical_other | Other medical | 105 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_polystyrene_fishbox | Fish box (ply) | 34 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_fishbox | Fish box (plastic) | 34 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_fishline | Fishing line | 35 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_fishingnetSml | Fishing net (0-50 cm) | 115 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_fishingnetLrg | Fishing net (>50 cm) | 116 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_buoys | Floats / buoys | 37 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_glovesIndustrial | Gloves (industrial) | 113 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_lobsterFishTag | Lobster / fish tags | 114 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_lobsterCrabPot | Lobster / crab pot & tops & hooks | 26 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_octopusPot | Octopus pots | 27 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_jerryCan | Jerry can | 10 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_oysterNet | Oyster nets / mussel bags | 28 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_oysterTray | Oyster trays | 29 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_tahitians | Sheeting from mussel culture | 30 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_RopeStringCordSml | String / cord / rope (thickness 0 – 1 cm) | 32 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_RopeStringCordLrg | String / cord / rope (thickness >1 cm) | 31 |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_stringDollyRope | Dolly rope | NA |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_tangledDollyRope | Tangled dolly rope | NA |
Marine | Fishing | 02_plastic_tangledRope | Tangled nets / cord / rope / string / dolly rope | 33 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_bagsMesh | Bags (mesh) | 24 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_bottlesCleaner | Bottles / containers: cleaner | 5 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_crates | Crates | 13 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_hardHat | Hard hat | 42 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_gunCartridge | Injection gun cartridge | 11 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_oilSml | Oil containers / drums (0-50 cm) | 8 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_oilLrg | Oil containers / drums (>50 cm) | 9 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_packagingIndustrial | Packaging / plastic sheeting | 40 |
Marine | Shipping | 02_plastic_strappingBand | Strapping bands | 39 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_bagEnds | Bag ends | 112 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_bottlesOther | Bottles / containers: drums | 12 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_buckets | Buckets | 38 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_foamSpongeInsulation | Foam / sponge / insulation | 45 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_glovesDomestic | Gloves (domestic) | 25 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_glowStick | Light / glow sticks | 36 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_fertiliser | Fertiliser | 23 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_fibreglass | Fibreglass | 41 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_nurdles | Nurdles | NA |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_other | Other general | 48 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | Fragments 03_polystyrene_fragmentSml | Fragments (ply 0-2.5 cm) | 117 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_polystyrene_fragmentMed | Fragments (ply 2.5 – 50 cm) | 46 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_polystyrene_fragmentLrg | Fragments (ply >50 cm) | 47 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_fragmentSml | Fragments (plastic 0 – 2.5 cm) | 117 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_fragmentMed | Fragments (plastic 2.5 – 50 cm) | 46 |
Unknown | Non-Sourced | 03_plastic_fragmentLrg | Fragments (plastic >50 cm) | 47 |
Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.