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Data and reports from the Freshwater Laboratory in Marine Scotland.

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hieldaig: European Eel Emigrant Numbers by Year of Emigration

The Shieldaig trap is long term monitoring site focussed on salmonids and operating since 1999. During some years these have also operated as downstream eel traps, resulting in years with complete, partial or absent annual count data as follows: complete data 2002-2022, partial or possibly partial data 1999-2001. Small eels may evade capture by slipping through trap bars. Adult silver eels are too large to evade capture in this way, but some eels, both large and small, may bypass the traps in spates: thus annual counts represent minimum numbers. Trap protocols were similar, although not identical, over the monitoring period. Lifestage has not always been recorded, and where absent the following criteria have been applied to determine lifestage: Shieldaig, ‘silver’ if > 270 mm, otherwise ‘yellow’.

Marine Scotland (2023) Shieldaig: European Eel Emigrant Numbers by Year of Emigration doi: 10.7489/12455-1

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-5.7149505615234 57.452984973834, -5.7149505615234 57.533427594481, -5.5460357666016 57.533427594481, -5.5460357666016 57.452984973834))
Temporal Coverage
1999-01-01 to 2022-12-31
English (United Kingdom)
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

The number of downstream migrant European eels was recorded at the Shieldaig trap in most years since 1999. This dataset summarises the data collected based on the aggregation of paper and electronic records, beginning in 2004, re-assessed in 2007, and with annual quality control checks conducted thereafter. The dataset is under ongoing review and quality control prior to migration to the FishObs database. Thanks are offered to Sally Chadwick for the original data collation and the entire fieldwork team who have contributed to data collection at the Sheildaig trap since its installation.

Contact Name
Scottish Government, Marine Directorate
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Public Access Level