This file includes all of the observations for digital still images in the Funiculina quadrangularis fishing effects study, including Funiculina counts, environmental data, VMS data and station metadata.
Column 1: Image_ID - the unique identifier for digital still images within the dataset
Column 2: LAT - latitude information in decimal degrees
Column 3: LON - longitude information in decimal degrees
Column 4: Transect_ID - transect number along which digital still images were captured
Column 5: Date - day of digital still image transect in format
Column 6: Funiculina.quadrangularis - count of Funiculina quadrangularis in the digital still image
Column 7: Station - unique station identifier for the location of the (typically) five digital still images taken at each station
Column 8: curvature - value of seabed curvature characteristic derived using GIS tools
Column 9: depth - value of seabed depth (m) derived from bathymetric data
Column 10: gravel - value of percentage gravel (%) at digital still image location drived from grab data using GIS tools
Column 11: minsal - minimum salinity value (unitless) calculated from 1988 - 2004 POLCOMS model data
Column 12: mud - value of percentage mud (%) at digital still image location drived from grab data using GIS tools
Column 13: slope - value of seabed slope characteristic derived using GIS tools
Column 14: SubsurfSAR - C-square SAR (swept area divided by the surface area of the grid cell) for subsurface abrasion (penetration and/or disturbance of the sediment deeper than the surface of the seabed: ≥ 2 cm)
Column 15: SurfSAR - C-square SAR (swept area divided by the surface area of the grid cell) for surface abrasion (penetration and/or disturbance of the surface of the seabed: top 2 cm of sediment)
Column 16: cminsal - minimum salinity value (unitless) calculated from 1988 - 2004 POLCOMS model data centred relative to the median
Column 17: cslope - value of seabed slope characteristic derived using GIS tools centred relative to the median
Column 18: ccurvature - value of seabed curvaturecharacteristic derived using GIS tools centred relative to the median
Column 19: cmud - value of percentage mud (%) at digital still image location drived from grab data using GIS tools centred relative to the median
Column 20: cgravel - value of percentage gravel (%) at digital still image location drived from grab data using GIS tools centred relative to the median
Column 21: cvms - value of VMS data centred relative to the median
Column 22: cdepth - value of seabed depth (m) derived from bathymetric data centred realtive to the median
Column 23: fBox - identification number of the survey box
Column 24: fStation.No - integer identification for the station
Column 25: fArea - the study area; SI - Sea of the Hebrides, WR - Minch, SK - Inner Sound