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Observations for high definition video including biological data and station metadata

This file includes all of the observations for high definition video, including biological data and station metadata.

Column 1: Year [2015, 2016, 2017]
Column 2: Cruise_ID - cruise number with number letter code
Column 3: Box_ID - unique survey box identifier, conserved across years
Column 4: Tow_ID - unique tow number, e.g. 'S04_01' where 'S04' corresponds to the survey box identifier
Column 5: Date - day of video tow in format
Column 6: Time_Start - time of tow start in UTC, format hh:mm:ss
Column 7: Depth_m - average depth of tow in meters
Column 8: Gear - type of equipment used to collect video [Drop or Lander* - almost all observations from Drop frame]
Column 9: First_PMF - Primary (most common) PMF encountered during the tow, see abbreviations lists
Column 10: Second_PMF - Secondary (second most common) PMF encountered during the tow, see abbreviations lists
Column 11: Duration_1min_seg - duration of the video tow in number of 1 minute segments
Column 12: Average_speed_Kn - speed at which the video equipment was towed (knots)
Column 13: Viewed_Area_m2 - size of the area within the tow in meters squared (m2)
Columns 14 - 67: Abundance of each taxon observed within an individual video tow.
Abundance is recorded as the count of individuals for each taxon within an image (n) or density of individuals within an image per meter squared (n.m2).
Abundance is also recorded as the number of one minute video segments within a tow containing a species or feature (N) and the percentage of one minute video segments within a tow containing these species or features (%N).
Column headers are generally abbreviations taxonomic names, see abbreviations lists.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.