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Observations for digital still images

This file includes all of the observations for digital still images, including biological, sediment, habitat and community data, and station metadata.

Column 1: Year [2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017]
Column 2: Cruise_ID - cruise number with number letter code
Column 3: Image_ID - the unique identifier for digital still images within each cruise
Column 4: DecLat - latitude information in decimal degrees
Column 5: DecLong - longitude information in deicmal degrees
Column 6: Box_ID - unique survey box identifier, conserved across years
Column 7: Sediment - sediment code for the image, see abbreviations
Column 8: Habitat - habitat code for the image, see abbreviations
Column 9: Community - community code for the image, see abbreviations
Column 10: Area_Observed_% - percentage of the image that is visible, i.e. not obscured. '0' means zero percentage obscured, i.e. the whole image is visible.
Column 11: Burrows - number of burrows counted from each image
Column 12: Faunal_Turf_% - percentage of the image covered by faunal turf
Columns 13 - 80: Abundance of each taxon observed within an individual image. Zero ('0') means the taxon was not observed in that image.
Abundance is the count of individuals for each taxon within an image (n), except where percentage (%) is indicated or 'occurrence' (= count of discrete patches) for Parazoanthus anguicomus.
Column headers are Latin species names of taxa where possible. In some cases genus names, higher level taxonomic assignments or common names are used.

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.