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Report: Priority marine feature surveys within the Small Isles MPA and surrounding waters

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Available:; main report:; annexes:
Authors: C. Greathead, R. E. Boschen-Rose, R. Langton, J. Clarke, P. J. Wright and P. Boulcott
Report series: Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science
ISSN: 2043-7722
Volume: 14
Report number: 1
**ISBN: **978-1-80525-262-7
**Publication date: **3 March 2023
**Number of pages: **51 (main report); 50 (annexes)

Sections (main report): Abstract; Executive summary; Abbreviations; Introduction; Methods Summary; Results; Discussion; Summary; Acknowledgements; Data Availability; References
Sections (annexes): Abstract; Executive summary; Annexes A - D.

Abstract: Provides a brief lay summary of the report findings and future considerations.
Executive summary: Provides a more detailed non-technical summary of the report findings and future considerations.
Abbreviations: Lists all abbreviations used in the main text of the report.
Introduction: Provides the background and rationale for the report, including the biodiversity, marine protection, pressures, and biodiversity and pressures reporting for the Small Isles Marine Protected Area (sections 1.1 - 1.4)
Methods Summary: Provides a summary of the main methods used for the baseline benthic monitoring, assessing the impact of fishing on Funiculina quadrangularis (sections 2.1 - 2.2). Full methods are provided in Annex C.
Results: Describes the main results of the baseline benthic monitoring, including an overview of the case study for Funiculina quadrangularis and Swiftia pallida; and the impact of fishing on Funiculina quadrangularis (sections 3.1 - 3.2).
The full results tables for the baseline benthic monitoring are provided in Annex A. The full case study is provided in Annex D.
Discussion: Considers the results in the context of the wider scientific literature, including trends for priority marine features, the impact of fishing and future survey of priority marine features (section 4.1 - 4.3).
Summary: Provides a brief high-level non-technical summary of the report findings (section 5).
References: Lists all literature and other sources cited in the main text of the report alphabetically by first author (section 6).
Acknowledgements: Details the source of funding for the work and thanks those who contributed to the work but were not authors of the report.
Data availability: Details how the Small Isles MPA data set can be accessed.
Annex A: Data tables providing summaries of the overall survey results (A.1. & A.2), density results for the eight species of interest (A.3 - A.10) and density results for the fishing effects study (A.11).
Annex B: Tables providing the research survey details (B.1 & B.2).
Annex C: Provides the full methods detail for the report, including a separate reference list for the methods.
Annex D: Provides the full details of the case study for density variation in Funiculina quadrangularis and Swiftia pallida.