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Marine Scotland Science (MSS) undertakes a wide range of monitoring covering many aspects of the Scottish marine ecosystem.

Monitoring is undertaken in Scottish Inshore Waters, using networks of volunteers and automatic recording equipment, as well as in Scottish Offshore Waters, using the MSS research vessels MRV Alba na Mara and MRV Scotia.

Marine Scotland Science also participates national monitoring programmes, such as:

  • UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS)
  • UK Marine Environmental Change Network (MECN)
  • UK Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN)

This group provides published data from monitoring these activities. For many activities, there are national or international standards for how the monitoring is undertaken.

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UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

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2022 UK EEZ sedimentary organic carbon vulnerability ranking estimates GIS layers

The mapping is based of secondary data sources for bottom fishing pressure (OSPAR), sediment type and organic carbon (OC) content (Smeaton et al 2021), and sediment lability as a function of grain size (Smeaton et al 2022). A new calculation methodology has been created to estimate the potential vulnerability of OC to bottom fishing induced disturbance as a function of sediment grain size and resettling speed. This allows for the potential OC lost through lateral transportation, consumption, or remineralisation as a result of bottom fishing disturbance to be estimated. By using fuzzy set theory, the potential vulnerability of sedimentary OC is estimated and mapped for the UK EEZ. All calculations and modelling were carried out within the ESRI ArcGIS software package using the spatial overlay, raster calculator and the zonal statistics tools. Full details of the study and methodology can be found in Black et al. (2022) and relevant supporting documents.

Black, Kirsty E., Smeaton, C., Turrell, William R., and Austin, William E.N. 2022. 2022 UK EEZ sedimentary organic carbon vulnerability ranking estimates GIS layers.

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-13.3011 49.6999, -13.3011 61.252, 3.5739 61.252, 3.5739 49.6999))
Temporal Coverage
2009-01-01 to 2020-12-31
English (United Kingdom)
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

Shapefiles and datasets obtained from OSPAR, Smeaton et al., 2021, and Smeaton et al., 2022 were used to create the GIS layers on the potential carbon vulnerability ranking of marine sedimentary carbon under anthropogenic disturbance from different types of fishing gears.

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Marine Scotland
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