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UK Upland Water Monitoring Network (UKUWMN) Summary metrics

Column Name - Description

Site - the unqiue name of the river temperature monitoring site

Easting - site Easting

Northing - site Northing

Longitude - site Longitude

Latitude - site Latitude

Catchment - the catchment the site is in

Monitoring_Type - code which denotes if the site is part of UWMN

Year - the year the statistic is generated for

Stat_Time_Period - the time period the statistic is generated for (annual, seasonal or monthly)

Metric_Type - the descriptor/target species the metric relates to (temperature, degree days, fish, invertebrates)

Metric - the metric the result refers to (details of how these are calculated can be found in the 'metrics' page of the Shiny App)

Result - the value of the selected metric, either the river temperature in degrees C or the number of days exceeding threshold, where NA values indicate that data is unavailable for the selected metric

Data_Length - the number of days of data available to generate the selected metric (e.g. number of days of data available, for a site, in the selected year and season)

Min_Useable_Data_Length - the minimum number of days required to generate the selected metric (e.g. number of days that corresponds to 95% of the time period selected)

Useable_Metric - code which determines if there was enough data available to produce the selected metric

Calibration_Type - description of calibration status of any data used to generate the metric. This can be "Calibrated", "Uncalibrated" or a mixture of both calibrated and uncalibrated data ("Uncalibrated_Calibrated", "Calibrated_Uncalibrated")

Stat_Calibration_Status - code which determines if the metric will be coded as "Calibrated" or "Uncalibrated", only data where all data points in the time period are calibrated will be coded "Calibrated"

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.

Additional Information

filesize11.5 MB
resource typefile upload
timestampOct 06, 2021