Column Name - Description
Site - the unqiue name of the river temperature monitoring site
Easting - site Easting
Northing - site Northing
Longitude - site Longitude
Latitude - site Latitude
Catchment - the catchment the site is in
Monitoring_Type - code which denotes if the site is part of core SRTMN (Baseline), part of extended SRTMN (Temporary) or collected for another purpose
Year - the year the statistic is generated for
Stat_Time_Period - the time period the statistic is generated for (annual, seasonal or monthly)
Metric_Type - the descriptor/target species the metric relates to (temperature, degree days, fish, invertebrates)
Metric - the metric the result refers to (details of how these are calculated can be found in the 'metrics' page of the Shiny App)
Result - the value of the selected metric, either the river temperature in degrees C or the number of days exceeding threshold, where NA values indicate that data is unavailable for the selected metric
Data_Length - the number of days of data available to generate the selected metric (e.g. number of days of data available, for a site, in the selected year and season)
Min_Useable_Data_Length - the minimum number of days required to generate the selected metric (e.g. number of days that corresponds to 95% of the time period selected)
Useable_Metric - code which determines if there was enough data available to produce the selected metric
Calibration_Type - description of calibration status of any data used to generate the metric. This can be "Calibrated", "Uncalibrated" or a mixture of both calibrated and uncalibrated data ("Uncalibrated_Calibrated", "Calibrated_Uncalibrated")
Stat_Calibration_Status - code which determines if the metric will be coded as "Calibrated" or "Uncalibrated", only data where all data points in the time period are calibrated will be coded "Calibrated"