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Micro-plastics in Scotland’s seas 2013-present

Year: Actual sampling year
Season: Seasons run from Oct in one year to end January in following year - exceptions noted in text
Cruise: Letter refers to ship: S=MRV Scotia, A= MRV alba na Mara, SJM=Sir John Murray (SEPA) eg 0120S is the first cruise of 2020 on the MRV Scotia
Region: Scottish Marine or Offshore Region
Field_ID: Descriptive name of towing site
TOW_ID: made up of cruise number and tow number for the cruise
DATE_Deploy: Date of deployment dd/mm/yyyy
TIME_Deploy: Time of deployment hh:mm
Decimal Latitude: at deployment (WGS84)
Decimal Longitude: at deployment (WGS84)
DATE_Retrieve: Date of sampler retrieval dd/mm/yyy
TIME_Retrieve: Time of sampler retrieval hh:mm
decLat_Retrieve: Decimal latitude at retrieval (WGS84)
decLong_Retrieve: Decimal longitude at retrieval (WGS84)
FLOW_METER_READING_deploy: The revolution count of flow meter at time of deployment (used for calculating tow length)
FLOW_METER_READING_retrieve: The revolution count of flow meter at time of retrieval (used for calculating tow length)
Tow_length (m): calculated by subtracting deploy from retrieve and multiplying by 0.3 (1 revolution of flow meter = 0.3m)
vol_filtered_m3: distancethrough water (tow length) multiplied by 0.0225 (net aperture in square meters in water during towing)
SEA_STATE: sea state was equivalent to Beaufort Scale Force descriptors
Ship Speed: in nautical miles per hour
SUM_micro_km2: sum of microplastics per km squared sea surface
SUM_Macro_km2: sum of plastics > 5 mm per km squared sea surface
fibres_LTE5mm_km2: fibre items less than or equal to 5mm per km squared sea surface
beads_LTE5mm_km2: beads items less than or equal to 5mm per km squared sea surface
polystyrene_LTE5mm_km2: polystyrene items less than or equal to 5mm per km squared sea surface
fragments_LTE5mm_km2: fragments items less than or equal to 5mm per km squared sea surface
film_LTE5mm_km2: film items less than or equal to 5mm per km squared sea surface
nurdles_LTE5mm_km2: nurdles items less than or equal to 5mm per km squared sea surface
paint_flakes_LTE5mm_km2: paint_flakes items less than or equal to 5mm per km squared sea surface
fibres_GT5mm_km2: fibre items greater than 5mm per km squared sea surface
beads_GT5mm_km2: beads items greater than 5mm per km squared sea surface
polystyrene_GT5mm_km2: polystyrene items greater than 5mm per km squared sea surface
fragments_GT5mm_km2: fragments items greater than 5mm per km squared sea surface
film_GT5mm_km2: film items greater than 5mm per km squared sea surface
nurdles_GT5mm_km2: nurdles items greater than 5mm per km squared sea surface
paint_flakes_GT5mm_km2: paint_flakes items greater than 5mm per km squared sea surface
SUM_micro_m3: microplastics per cubic metre sea water
SUM_Macro_m3: sum of plastics > 5 mm per cubic metre sea water
fibres_LTE5mm_m3: fibre items less than or equal to 5mm per cubic metre sea water
beads_LTE5mm_m3: beads items less than or equal to 5mm per cubic metre sea water
polystyrene_LTE5mm_m3: polystyrene items less than or equal to 5mm per cubic metre sea water
fragments_LTE5mm_m3: fragments items less than or equal to 5mm per cubic metre sea water
film_LTE5mm_m3: film items less than or equal to 5mm per cubic metre sea water
nurdles_LTE5mm_m3: nurdles items less than or equal to 5mm per cubic metre sea water
paint_flakes_LTE5mm_m3: paint flakes items less than or equal to 5mm per cubic metre sea water
fibres_GT5mm_m3: fibre items greater than 5mm per cubic metre sea water
beads_GT5mm_m3: beads items greater than 5mm per cubic metre sea water
polystyrene_GT5mm_m3: polystyrene items greater than 5mm per cubic metre sea water
fragments_GT5mm_m3: fragments items greater than 5mm per cubic metre sea water
film_GT5mm_m3: film items greater than 5mm per cubic metre sea water
nurdles_GT5mm_m3: nurdles items greater than 5mm per cubic metre sea water
paint_flakes_GT5mm_m3: paint flakes items greater than 5mm per cubic metre sea water
SUM_LTE5mm_count: Count of all microplastic items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
SUM_GT5mm_count: Count of all microplastic items greater than 5mm in sample
fibres_LTE5mm_count: Count of fibre items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
beads_LTE5mm_count: Count of beads items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
polystyrene_LTE5mm_count: Count of polystyrene items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
fragments_LTE5mm_count: Count of fragments items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
film_LTE5mm_count: Count of film items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
nurdles_LTE5mm_count: Count of nurdles items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
paint_flakes_LTE5mm_count: Count of paint flakes items less than or equal to 5mm in sample
fibres_GT5mm_count: Count of fibre items greater than 5mm in sample
beads_GT5mm_count: Count of beads items greater than 5mm in sample
polystyrene_GT5mm_count: Count of polystyrene items greater than 5mm in sample
fragments_GT5mm_count: Count of fragments items greater than 5mm in sample
film_GT5mm_count: Count of film items greater than 5mm in sample
nurdles_GT5mm_count: Count of nurdles items greater than 5mm in sample
paint_flakes_GT5mm_count: Count of paint flakes items greater than 5mm in sample

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.

Additional Information

filesize108.24 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampFeb 22, 2021