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Sediment Stations 1999-2018 used to collect data for the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2019 and Scotland's Marine Assessment 2020

The variables in sediment_stations.csv describe the sediment monitoring stations used to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2019. The stations are also used for the assessment of the status and trends of selected contaminant groups for Scotland's Marine Assessment 2020. The column headers are:

Description: assessment region
Type: categorical
Levels: 4
Note: the regions are the Scottish component of the biogeographic regions used for Charting Progress 2 and for UK MSFD reporting purposes. There are 5 regions in Scottish waters, but there are no stations in the Atlantic North-West Approaches because it is difficult to sample. The Northern North Sea, Minches and Western Scotland and Irish Sea (Clyde & Solway) are used in the Clean Seas Indicator. The Scottish Continental Shelf is not used in the Indicator because it is difficult to get sufficient spatial coverage for regional assessments for both biota and sediment.

Description: station identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 51

Description: station latitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: 54.77, 61.03
Note: these are nominal positions: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area centred on this position.

Description: station longitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: -8.58, 1.82
Note: these are nominal positions: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area centred on this position.

Description: station type
Type: categorical
Levels: B, RH, I
B = baseline stations in remote areas subject only to diffuse inputs of contaminants
RH = representative stations broadly representative of contaminant levels in the region
I = impacted stations located close to a point source

Description: stratum typography
Type: categorical
Levels: Estuary, Coast, Open Sea
Estuary = WFD transitional water
Coast = WFD coastal water
Open Sea = marine water (stratum not covered by WFD)

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.