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Micronuclei data 2012 - 2014

The columns for the area are:

Year: Year samples were collected in the format YYYY

Sample ID: The laboratory reference number used to audit samples through the lab

Station dictionary name: The station dictionary name is the MERMAN station dictionary name of the specific location of the sampling event

CP2: The charting progress (CP) 2 region the sampling location is in ( expressed as numberic where: 1 = Northern North Sea; 2 = Southern North Sea; 3 = Eastern Channel; 4 = Western Channel and Celtic Sea; 5 = Irish Sea; 6 = Minches and Western Scotland

MSFD Region: The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) region the sampling location is in (

Lat: Decimal latitude coordinate of sampling location

Long: Decimal longitude coordinate of sampling location

Species: The species of fish sampled where: CDA =* Limanda liminda*; FLO = Platichthys flesus

Sex: The sex of fish sampled where F = female; M = male

MN: Number of micronucleated cells observed

No. of cells analysed: Total number of cells analysed

MN/1000 cells; Frequency of micronucleated cells per 1000 cells analysed


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Additional Information

filesize62.79 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampDec 06, 2019