Atlantic salmon - Production methods, capacity, tonnage and average stocking densities (kg/m3) 1984-2021
Column description
Year - Year
No. of Seawater tank sites - Number of Seawater tank sites
No. of Seawater cage sites - Number of Seawater cage sites
Seawater tanks Total capacity (cubic metres) - Seawater tanks Total capacity (cubic metres)
Seawater cages Total capacity (cubic metres) - Seawater cages Total capacity (cubic metres)
Seawater tanks Production (tonnes) - Seawater tanks Production (tonnes)
Seawater cages Production (tonnes) - Seawater cages Production (tonnes)
For cage sites: ratio of production (kg) to cage capacity (m3) - For cage sites: ratio of production (kg) to cage capacity (m3)
Blank cells – data not collected