The variables in biota_summaries.csv describe summary measures of status and trends for contaminant and biological effect timeseries in biota. The summary measures are used to construct the National Performance Framework Clean Seas Indicator 2017. They are also used for regional assessments of selected contaminant and biological effect groups in biota.
Note: the regions are the Scottish component of the biogeographic regions used for Charting Progress 2 and for UK MSFD reporting purposes. There are 5 regions in Scottish waters, but there are no stations in the Atlantic North-West Approaches because it is difficult to sample. The Northern North Sea, Minches and Western Scotland and Irish Sea (Clyde & Solway) are used in the Clean Seas Indicator. The Scottish Continental Shelf is not used in the Indicator because it is difficult to get sufficient spatial coverage for regional assessments for both biota and sediment.
The column headers are:
Description: timeseries identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 965
Note: the raw data for each timeseries can be found in biota_data.csv
Description: assessment region
Type: categorical
Levels: 4
Note: the regions are the Scottish component of the biogeographic regions used for Charting Progress 2 and for UK MSFD reporting purposes; there are 5 regions in Scottish waters, but the Atlantic North-West Approaches is too difficult to sample and is not used in the Clean Seas Indicator
Description: station identifier
Type: categorical
Levels: 99
Description: station latitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: 54.75, 60.78
Note: these are nominal positions: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area centred on this position.
Description: station longitude
Unit: decimal degrees
Type: continuous
Range: -6.84, -0.62
Note: these are nominal positions: sampling occurs in a pre-defined area centred on this position.
Description: station type
Type: categorical
Levels: B, RH, I
B = baseline stations in remote areas subject only to diffuse inputs of contaminants
RH = representative stations broadly representative of contaminant levels in the region
I = impacted stations located close to a point source
Description: species
Type: categorical
Levels: 5
Limanda limanda: AphiaID = 127139
Mytilus edulis: AphiaID = 140480
Nucella lapillus: AphiaID = 140403
Platichthys flesus: AphiaID = 127141
Pleuronectes platessa: AphiaID = 127143
Description: sex
Type: categorical
Levels: Female, Male
Note: only provided for EROD timeseries which are analysed separately by sex
Description: contaminant group
Type: categorical
Levels: BDE, bioeffect, CB, imposex, metal, PAH.parent
BDE = polybrominated diphenyl ethers
bioeffect = biological effects
CB = polychlorinated biphenyls
PAH.parent = parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Description: contaminant
Type: categorical
Levels: 28
Note: see ICES reference codes for PARAM
Description: last year with monitoring data
Type: integer
Range: 2011, 2016
Description: the estimated (natural) logarithm of the mean concentration in the last monitoring year
Unit: log ug/kg ww (contaminants), log ug/ml (PYR1OHEQ), log pmol/min/mg protein (EROD)
Type: continuous
Range: -4.2, 7.72
Note: for VDS, status is the square root of the estimated mean VDS in the last monitoring year
Description: the standard error on the estimated log mean concentration in the last monitoring year
Unit: log ug/kg ww (contaminants), log ug/ml (PYR1OHEQ), log pmol/min/mg protein (EROD)
Type: continuous
Range: 0.026, 1.36
Note: for VDS, se_status is the standard error of the estimated square root mean VDS in the last monitoring year
Description: the identifier of the EAC measure or its equivalent
Type: categorical
Levels: EAC, EC, FEQG
EAC = Environmental Assessment Criterion
EC = European Commission food standard
FEQG = Federal Environmental Quality Guideline
Description: the value of the EAC or its equivalent
Unit: ug/kg ww (contaminants), ug/ml (PYR1OHEQ), pmol/min/mg protein (EROD), st (VDS)
Type: continuous
Range: 0.32, 1500
Description: the log ratio of the estimated mean concentration in the last monitoring year to the EAC (or its equivalent)
Unit: dimensionless
Type: continuous
Range: -7.1, 2.75
For contaminants, PYR1OHEQ and EROD, a value above / below 0 indicates that the estimated mean concentration in the last monitoring year is above / below the EAC; the standard error is given by the variable se_status
For VDS, status_EAC is the ratio of the estimated square root mean VDS in the last monitoring year to the square root EAC; a value above / below 1 indicates that the estimated mean VDS in the last monitoring year is above / below the EAC; the standard error is given by the variable se_status divided by the square root EAC
Description: the Background Assessment Concentration (BAC)
Unit: ug/kg ww (contaminants), ug/ml (PYR1OHEQ), pmol/min/mg protein (EROD), st (VDS)
Type: continuous
Range: 0.009, 221
Description: the log ratio of the estimated mean concentration in the last monitoring year to the BAC
Unit: dimensionless
Type: continuous
Range: -3.7, 7.4
For contaminants, PYR1OHEQ and EROD, a value above / below 0 indicates that the estimated mean concentration in the last monitoring year is above / below the BAC; the standard error is given by the variable se_status
For VDS, status_BAC is the ratio of the estimated square root mean VDS in the last monitoring year to the square root BAC; a value above / below 1 indicates that the estimated mean VDS in the last monitoring year is above / below the BAC; the standard error is given by the variable se_status divided by the square root BAC
Description: the estimated yearly change in log concentration
Unit: log ug/kg ww/y (contaminants), log ug/ml/y (PYR1OHEQ), log pmol/min/mg protein/y (EROD)
Type: continuous
Range: -62, 41.9
Note: for VDS, trend is the estimated odds ratio of the VDS of an individual being above the EAC in one year relative to the previous year; values below / above 1 indicate a decreasing / increasing trend in VDS
Description: the standard error on the estimated yearly change in log concentration
Unit: dimensionless
Type: continuous
Range: 0.0081, 22.9
Note: for VDS, se_trend is the standard error on the estimated odds ratio of the VDS of an individual being above the EAC in one year relative to the previous year